Pierce Brosnan’s Wife, 60, Leaves People Stunned with Latest Remarkable Transformation

6 months ago

Pierce and Keely Shaye Brosnan were overjoyed to reunite on Friday, sharing a heartfelt photo of the moment with their fans. The couple had been apart due to work commitments, but now they’re back together and couldn’t be more delighted.

Keely, 60, shared a photo with her husband, where the couple were twinning in matching all-white outfits. She looked radiant, with her smooth, tanned complexion and brunette hair pulled back into a sleek ponytail. Keely wore a gathered top and held a bouquet of flowers, likely a thoughtful gift from the James Bond actor.

She captioned the photo, “Reunited and it feels so good,” prompting fans to quickly flood the comments, praising the fresh-faced snapshot.

“The world’s most attractive couple, inside and out,” one admirer wrote. Another person chimed in, “Easy to see why he fell in love with you! So lovely. Demure. Classy.”

PacificCoastNews/EAST NEWS

Unfortunately, not too long ago, Keely Shaye Smith had to regularly endure unflattering comments and criticism. Last year, a user on a popular social network attempted to shame Pierce Brosnan’s wife with a cruel tweet. The post, however, backfired on the user. The individual shared a collage of photos showing Pierce Brosnan and Keely Shaye Smith at different stages of their life together, accompanied by the caption, “Your daily reminder to avoid marriage.”

Despite the fact that both Smith and Brosnan have maintained their fabulous appearances over the years, the collage focused on changes in Smith’s physical appearance, particularly her weight gain, seemingly implying the misguided notion that marriage causes women to “let themselves go.”

The original poster may have been surprised when their attempt at shaming backfired. Instead of receiving support, the comment section was flooded with messages of love and admiration for Keely Shaye Smith. Many of the supportive comments garnered far more likes than the original tweet.

Commenters universally agreed that Keely Shaye Smith looked beautiful in all the photos. One person suggested the troll should post a picture of themselves to see how many marriage options they might attract. Another user cleverly modified the original caption, writing, “A daily reminder that a good marriage can last.”

Paul Marks / Broadimage / EAST NEWS

Pierce Brosnan’s heartfelt birthday tribute to his wife on her 60th birthday highlights how the love between the star couple has only deepened and strengthened over the years. Their enduring bond is evident in the genuine affection they continue to share.

Preview photo credit PacificCoastNews/EAST NEWS, keelyshayebrosnan / Instagram


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Keely is so stunning whatever weight she is. Absolutely gorgeous. I hope to look half as good if I reach 60! And Pierce is so handsome too. Beautiful couple x ✌️❤️


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