Refused to Pay for My Daughter’s Wedding When She Chose Her Stepfather Over Me. Here’s What He Did Next

month ago

Wedding preparations always take a lot of time, effort, and money. It’s during these moments that various family issues come to the surface. We received a letter from a man whose daughter has decided that her stepfather, not her biological father, will walk her down the aisle.

Here is Rob’s letter:

We decided to find out what our readers think about this.

  • The stepfather should have been clear that he does NOT take her father’s place in her wedding. It is allowed that they both can walk her down the aisle if she feels they both supported her. Deferring to the stepfather only leads to too many hurt feelings. They both had a role in raising the girl, why not honor them both? © Sherry Long / Facebook
  • Leave the ungrateful little madam to it. Let the stepfather pay for the wedding instead, especially as he’s bragging an out their relationship. © Marie Rose Harvey / Facebook
  • Had a similar situation in the fact that my real father was invited to my wedding, but he was never around or contributed to my upbringing in any way, financially or time wise, so my uncle, who was more of a father in the attention he paid me, walked me down the aisle. My dad did, however, come to the wedding and sat in the audience. So I guess it all worked out in the end.... © Carla Davis / Facebook
  • Daughter doesn’t want him to be there, doesn’t have to pay for wedding. Sounds like a win-win situation. Take the money that he was going to spend on the wedding and go on a well deserved vacation. Life is good! © Zemo Martinez / Facebook
  • Quality Over Quantity is important to a young girl. Yes, you provided for her financially, but if you weren’t there for quality time with your daughter, then I see her point. If you are so petty to refuse to pay and attend YOUR DAUGHTERS WEDDING, all because her stepfather is walking her down the aisle, then my sir, you have jealousy issues. Why can’t you AND her stepdad BOTH WALK HER DOWN THE Aisle????? © Connie Daniel / Facebook
  • I work a lot gone a lot but if that what she wants then she should let the stepdad pay for it maybe her real dad was a cheated on her mom and had the right to devise him and her step was better to her, so her real dad should help pay for it, it would be nice if both of them to walk her down. © Tom Revious / Facebook
  • It’s easy for the stepdad to spend more time with a child he lives with and doesn’t need to pay for. Your daughter is an ungrateful brat. Skip the wedding. Wonder what her mother has to say about this. © Erin Brennan / Facebook
  • Don’t pay a cent, dude. The step-dad needs a bit of a slap over the head. In divorce, kids don’t understand that they will see the stepparent more often because that’s pretty much how the parenting plan works out. You’ve worked hard enough to get her to this point, now call it quits. And it is all about the money you give, because if you didn’t, you would have been in maintenance court and possibly, prison. © Kav Naidoo / Facebook

What would you do in Rob’s place?

Unfortunately, these situations are common — family grievances and issues often surface during wedding preparations. Here’s the story of a bride who chose not to invite her mother to the wedding to please her mother-in-law.

Preview photo credit Ivan Samkov / Pexels


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