Seth Rogen Candidly Revealed Why He Doesn’t Want To Have Kids With His Wife

5 months ago

Seth Rogen, 42, and his wife Lauren, 42, have been together for many years. From the very beginning, the couple had no plans to have children, and they are happy leading a childfree lifestyle. Recently, Seth Rogen openly shared that he is happy not having children and believes he wouldn’t have achieved such success if he were a father. The public’s reaction to this has been mixed.

Seth Rogen and his wife have always been vocal about their child-free lifestyle.

Seth Rogen has been with his wife, Lauren Miller, for almost his entire career. They met in 2004, got engaged in 2010, married in 2011, and have been inseparable ever since. And just as they’re confident about choosing each other, they’re also firmly against having any kids. As Rogen once revealed, “I would say she wants kids less than I do.”

He then proceeded to explain that they don’t feel like anything is missing from their lives. It’s actually quite the opposite — when they compare their marriage to other couples, they notice a slight upper hand on their own side, explaining, “We have so much fun. I don’t know anyone who gets as much happiness out of their kids as we get out of our non-kids.

DailyCeleb/Sipa USA/East News

The famous actor says he wouldn’t want to choose between kids and his work, revealing, “I wouldn’t be able to do all this work that I like. It’s something I think I was uncomfortable answering before. But [people] were like, ’How do you do so much?’ and, like, the answer is I don’t have kids.”

He also added that being child-free is a big reason for his career: “That has helped me succeed as well, definitely.”

Invision/Associated Press/East News

In addition, Rogen and Miller get full support from their relatives, as he revealed, “My family’s really fine with it. I think they’ve known for a long time [that] we probably weren’t gonna have kids. They got my sister, [who] has 2 kids, so my parents have grandchildren, and they’re keeping them busy. That box is ticked, I think, to them in some ways.”

They now have even more reasons for not having kids.

Today, nearly 2 decades since meeting each other for the first time, Rogen and Miller are more confident than ever that they made the right choice not to become parents. Rogen says they become more grateful about being childless every day, explaining, “Me and my wife, neither of us were like that. Honestly, the older we get, the more happy and reaffirmed we are with our choice not to have kids.

Rogen adds that they keep noticing more and more reasons to just be a family of 2 and their relationship greatly benefits from it. We get to do whatever we want, we are in the prime of our lives, we are smarter than we’ve ever been, we understand ourselves more than we ever have, we have the capacity to achieve a level of work and a level of communication and care for one another,” the actor said.

People are happy that the question about children was asked of a man.

People are glad that the question about children was asked by men. For some reason, the reluctance to have children still raises questions in society. And while men’s stance on this issue is generally accepted more calmly, a childfree woman faces disapproval. She is asked numerous questions and her true desire to dedicate her life to herself is doubted. Seth became one of the first men who had to defend his childfree position.

“It shouldn’t be that ONLY WOMEN must defend this choice. And I appreciate his answers! I love my life without kids, it’s precisely what my partner and I want,” wrote one. Another person added, “Shout out to Seth Rogen for pushing back against the stigma around child-free couples. Some people — like my wife and I — just don’t want kids, and that’s OK.” Another said, “I have NEVER seen a man discuss this, love it.”

However, there were also those who did not support Rogen’s position and criticized the childfree lifestyle. One person wrote, “One can only pity him. He has no idea what he has missed.” Another added, “He seems to say it with regret in his voice. A sad, broken, lonely, and angry person.” “This sounds oddly self-indulgent and glutinous,” wrote one of the commenters. “He seems so sad but pretending to cover it up. He’s a sad man thinking his fame makes him happy somehow,” another added.

Seth Rogen is not the only one who has made a conscious decision not to have children. Look at other stars who lead a childfree lifestyle.

Preview photo credit Invision/Associated Press/East News, laurenmillerrogen / Instagram


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