Teen Cashier Was Left “Speechless” When Customer Gave Him a $2,500 Tip For His “Hard Work”

year ago

A teen pizza parlor employee from Missouri, in the United States, got the surprise of a lifetime while at work and his story has gone viral. He was left in awe after a customer surprised him with a generous $2,500 tip in recognition of his tireless efforts.

Ryheem Lumpkins’ hands and arms never fully developed. Despite that unique challenge, the 16-year-old high school student has a completely normal (and busy) job. At a pizza parlor, he works as a cashier, sweeps the floors, and ensures the buffet area remains spotless.

While at work, Lumpkins impressed customer Robert Samay with his hard work. “I appreciate your hard work, your good smile, your good attitude,” Samay told the teen. “We don’t get that nowadays, especially with young kids.”

In the previous month, Samay expressed his appreciation by giving the teenager a $5 tip. However, more recently, he made a remarkable comeback to convey an even more substantial gesture of gratitude.

“I never had nothing in my life that had happened to me like that before,” the teenager said. “To be honest, I was speechless.”

Lumpkins also revealed he has been saving to buy his first car and, although the money will be of great help, he made sure to highlight the importance of the gesture itself. “That right there showed me that there’s more people in the world that really cares for me,” he admitted.

The 16-year-old, who wants to be a motivational speaker, left a message of positivity for others as well. “Embrace what you have different from other people,” he said. “Because a lot of people think it’s cool and a lot of people wouldn’t think it’s cool. The negative words, don’t let it get to your head. Because there is a lot of positivity in the world.”

Bonus: You can watch the full video here.

Fortunately, nowadays the internet is evermore filled with kind stories, including one about how a group of strangers “saved” someone who was passing out in a bus.

Preview photo credit WFAA / Youtube


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