15 People Whose Inner Engines Worked Super Fast Because They Had a Goal

year ago

Dreams give us the strongest push to achieve more and to stay active in achieving them. Everyone has one dream that they’ve cherished since they were little. There will be ups and downs along the way, but if you learn from them, you are more likely to succeed. Our today’s heroes have proved it to the full.

Today, Now I’ve Seen Everything will take you on a journey through the lives of people who have realized their dreams and are eager to share them with us.

1. “In 2019 I bet my coworker that I would spend 2020 getting fit. I kept my promise and won the bet. I am proud.”

2. “I had a jaw surgery that changed my life”

3. “Finally graduated last weekend! It took me a good 6 years, but look where I am now! Don’t stop dreaming and believe in yourself.”

4. “Found my biological dad and family after searching for 35 years! 72 hours ago, I was an only child. Now, I have a brother and 2 sisters!”

5. “After 15 years, I finally figured out how to get my parents back together...for a moment.”

6. “I’ve been told I dress ‘weird’ or ‘strange’ before, but I’m finally feeling happy enough to ignore those comments and just be me.”

7. “After years of tooth pain and hiding my smile, I got dentures!”

8. “Just finished my chemotherapy treatment and I’m cancer free.”

9. “Part of my journey to self-love and health transformation was to accept my dad-bod.”

“Here is my family and I celebrating losing 10 pounds in 2 months.”

10. “The before and after of my jaw surgery.’”

11. “Don’t have a lot of people to tell, but I got engaged today. So excited for what’s next. ”

12. “I was losing my hair due to anxiety. Here’s my first hairless picture, I’m still worthy of happiness.”

13. “Finally finished the summer dress.”

14. “My cousin’s 94-year-old grandfather skydived for the first time the other day and loved every minute of it!”

15. “Baby Zoe, my mom finally agreed to let us have our first family dog. A dream of mine has finally come true after 22 years.”

What dreams did you have as a child? Have you realized them, or have your aspirations changed?

Preview photo credit LackofaBetterNameX / Imgur


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