15+ Photos That Show Pure Love and Fill Our Hearts With Joy

year ago

It seems that most people like a good romantic story and statistics prove this assumption right, especially if it’s a comedy: 84% of women and 67% of men had positive emotions associated with the genre of romantic comedies. And if we see sincere love and affection in real life and not on the screen, it makes everything even better.

We at Now I’ve Seen Everything prepared some touching photos that will make you go “aww”.

1. “My son has been growing his hair for 4 years and donated 12 inches to charity. I couldn’t stop smiling, I’m so proud.”

2. “A photo shoot with the same photographer taken 2 years apart — minus 100 pounds and with 1 engagement ring”

3. “He hugs me like this every time I come home from college, his face says it all.”

4. “No matter how exhausted he is, my boyfriend, this beautiful human being, finds time every morning to leave me something special to start my day.”

5. “I turned my grandmother’s kitchen wallpaper into a dress.”

6. “Sleeping 100 years apart”

7. “My dad and I used to get milkshakes together all the time. My daughter and I are sharing our first milkshake together.”

8. “The way my girlfriend and dog sleep on the couch together, I can’t even!”

9. “I sewed grandmother’s beautiful crocheted doilies onto my wedding dress. I wanted to honor her in some way on our day.”

10. “Tribute to my girls: the left paw print with the single pink toe is on the left, and the right paw print is for her sister that passed away.”

11. “My brother drew himself and one of his favorite Pokémon. He’s very proud.”

12. “My grandfather’s dog passed away last year. Today we surprised him with these cuties.”

13. “Getting gray, 15 years together”

14. “Married for 17 years today, together for 34”

15. “Nala says ’Hi’.”

16. “A photo of my son next to a photo of my dad who passed away in 2015 when he was in high school”

Who is a person you’d like to say “I love you” to? Tag them in the comments.

Preview photo credit Chevy_Bowtie / Reddit


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