18 Stunning Women Who Flaunt their Grey Hair Like a Bejeweled Tiara

year ago

Instead of dying and hiding their silver strands, more and more women nowadays are choosing to take pride in them. After all, grey hair can be associated with maturity and wisdom which makes us all the more charming. Moreover, choosing to embrace physical change instead of fighting it will save us a lot of energy and time and make our life much less complicated.

Now I’ve Seen Everything is fascinated by these gorgeous women who love themselves at any age. Because they show us that being natural and confident is the ultimate beauty statement.

1. Fabulous at 50

2. ’’I ditched the dye and discovered curls.’’

3. “13 months of no hair dye”

4. A touch of glamour

5. “Growing out my gray — I kind of like it.”

6. “Gray hair club checking in (+ bonus cute seal)!”

7. “Turning 47 soon and refusing to dye my gray hairs”

8. “Embracing my natural silver hair!”

9. “I’ve been really feeling my natural grey hair today that’s more noticeable with wet hair, and I wanted to share.”

10. "My grey curls finally starting to come through.’’

11. “I’ve had gray streaks since I was a child, but I’m finally letting them shine at 30. 4 months of growth so far!”

12. “Thank you all for sharing your magic and beauty to help me feel magical and beautiful!”

13. “It’s my birthday, and my grey hair is showing more than ever.”

14. “Recent big chop! I’m embracing the gray.”

15. Silver swan

16. “I’m finally embracing my gray hair at 55.”

17. We love this look.

18. Glowing at 31

How are you coping with the appearance of gray hair? Be sure to share your photo to show it off with pride!


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