10 Chilling Real-Life Stories For Those Who Want to Tickle Their Nerves

day ago

Sometimes in life, things happen that we just can’t explain logically. These strange, creepy moments stick with us forever. Just like these 10 people who shared the most unexplainable stories that happened to them.


You know on cold days inside your car, you can breathe on the window and draw on the glass? I got in my car, and as I look at the windshield, I see a few small baby hands. I thought it was strange someone would let a baby play on my car’s windshield.

I had an urge to touch the baby prince and as I touched it, I wiped away the hand prints. The hand prints were made from the inside of my locked car.

© ScootyPufff / Reddit


I woke up with blood gushing down my cheek when I was younger and I didn’t feel anything but my face felt wet, so I went down to my parents room and they freaked out. Til’ this day we still have not clue what cut my face but I needed 8 stitches next to my eye. We checked the sheets, pillow, pillowcases, edges of the bed, etc. Still no idea.

© JeebusLovesMurica / Reddit


So I was sleeping, and in the middle of the dream a character of my dream who was doing something turned her head, looked at me very seriously and said, “There’s someone in your apartment, wake up.” My apartment was empty.

© Jahonay / Reddit


I sleepwalked when I was a child. Once, I woke up and found myself staring out the window. I noticed a very large and completely hairless man (no hair, eyebrows) staring at me and slowly inching closer to the window and to my face. He was looking bewildered like he wasn’t sure what he was seeing.

I realized what was going on, and I started screaming uncontrollably, frozen in place. The man freaked out and screamed, did a tumbling move, and then ran off in a weird zigzag. My mom woke up and thought I probably had a nightmare. The next morning we found a screwdriver on the front porch and damage to the door jamb and door handle.

© issamurcle / Reddit


Was delivering newspapers on my paper route when a longtime customer pulled his car next to me and asked me to just give him his daily newspaper now because he was going on a long trip. I handed him his newspaper then skipped his house as I continued my route.

The next day I was collecting the weekly fees and I went to his house to collect my fee. His wife answers and promptly complains that I missed her house on my deliveries the day before. I explained to her that her husband pulled up next to me, I told her what he said and that I gave him the paper. She started crying, told me that he had died a couple weeks ago and it was obviously not possible that I spoke with her husband the day before. I know what I saw. I have no way to logically explain what happened and it still give me the creeps.

© avionchef / Reddit


My colleague used to work in a hospital and would often receive phone calls around 3 AM, but no one would speak at the other end of the receiver. The number was from an extension somewhere in the hospital and when they looked it up, it was from an old morgue nobody has used in a while.

© manicpixiechick / Reddit


My roommate and I lived in a 100+ year old farmhouse. Many strange things happened there, but there is one story I tell the most.

One day we were watching TV in the living room on the main floor. Suddenly, we heard a loud crash of glass breaking and felt the floor shake in the ceiling above us. We both ran upstairs and couldn’t find one thing out of place.

© Unknown author / Reddit


Few years ago, I woke up to two text messages from my girlfriend and a friend of mine. Both asked if I was alright. Apparently, they both had a dream that I had been struck by a red truck at an intersection I routinely took. The two of them weren’t close and I had no reason to suspect that they were playing a prank. It was just really spooky that they both had the same dream, the same night, with the same details.

© boogaly / Reddit


Three times in the last year I have had a strong feeling to comment to someone about a part of their body. I’ve not done so because a) they’re people I don’t see often and b) it would be weird. A few weeks after each one of those people were diagnosed with cancer in the part of the body I felt I needed to comment on.

If I get that feeling again, don’t care who it is, I’m gonna say something. ©

buttonbaggins / Reddit


About 2 years ago, I went to collect my husband from the ferry after work. My husband got into the car and as I was driving very slowly out of the car park we both noticed two people standing a few metres in front of our car. It looked as though they were strangersб both walking to their separate cars in different areas of the car park. The man was reaching into his side bag and the lady was further ahead than the man, with her head turned to the right. I know the exact positions they were in because they were completely frozen on the spot!
My husband and I sat there watching the frozen strangers, not saying anything to each other and then all of a sudden it was like someone pressed play and the two strangers just continued on like nothing had happened. My husband and I promised to each other that we would never forget how weird the experience was. I can’t remember exactly how long they stayed frozen like that but it was long enough to freak us both out!

© Unknown author / Reddit

These stories prove that truly creepy things can happen to any of us, even when we least expect it. The chilling events shared by these people are so unsettling, they’ll make you rethink what’s possible. Such situations can stay with you long after they happen, making you question what’s really out there.


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