11 People Revealed on Internet Secrets They Keep Away from Their Partner for Years

5 months ago

We often think we know our partners better than anyone else, believing they hold no secrets from us. But sometimes, the truth can be quite different. In these stories, people reveal surprising things they kept hidden from their spouses, and they’ve courageously shared these confessions online.

  • I don’t like the way he folds my laundry. But I will never tell him that! He’s very insistent upon helping me do little tasks when he can tell I’m overwhelmed, and I’m so incredibly grateful for him and all he does that I don’t even care that the shirts he folds don’t match the rest of them, or that he put my jeans in the wrong spot, because the incorrectly folded clothes are just another little sign of his love for me, and I wouldn’t trade that for the world. © Souporsalad83101 / Reddit
  • I beat my wife in every video game! I purposefully lose at puyo puyo tetris because she likes it and it’s the only way for me to enjoy her company while playing. © angu_m / Reddit
  • We’ve been together for 5 years. We met at a football game. Our biggest thing in common is our love for “our team.” Every Sunday, for years, we get together to watch the games with her family.
    The truth is that I’m not really into football. I was at the game we met at because someone bought me free tickets. I’ve never really understood it, so for YEARS, anytime the family cheers, I just follow with cheers and when they BOOOO, I do the same. © Both-Outcome1586 / Reddit
  • I have a box of little crochet critters in the garage, that I make when I’m bored/in-between clients. I let my fiancée know that if anyone at work would like one (she’s a hospice nurse), she can just take them from the box, no questions asked. That’s what I told her, anyway.
    The secret is that I purposefully make stuff for her to take. I even have a spreadsheet, so I know what animals/colors are the most popular, and make sure that there’s always spares. Obviously, I don’t know WHO they go to, because of confidentiality, but I try to get as big a range as I can. © CrazySnekGirl / Reddit
  • When she first made a TikTok account she spent hours doing hair and makeup, recording different little dances, skits etc. But they weren’t really taking off at all and I could tell she was a little down about it. When she was asleep I went onto her account and spent about $300 (which isn’t a small amount of money to me) to have her videos promoted and pushed to more people than they otherwise would. She woke up to thousands of followers, 10s of thousands of likes and 100s of thousands of views. She was ecstatic, still has no idea. Worth every cent. © SlimShadyM80 / Reddit
  • If I’m stuck on a game, she will casually suggest things I could try without right telling me the answer. She will go very quiet, go on her phone and then say, “Hmm I wonder, does this game have any buffs to your lightning damage?” or “Oooh, a dragon, he looks like he wouldn’t like ice damage very much.” I know she is googling things, but I pretend like I don’t, because she gets so excited when her hints work and thinks she helped me work it out organically. © mr_rocket_raccoon / Reddit
  • My husband doesn’t eat enough fiber so for about 10 yrs I’ve been adding dissolving fiber to his powdered coffee creamer. It’s about 50/50 now but because I did it slowly he just got used to putting more in his cup to be the right color. © latrl / Reddit
  • I know my husband eats meat, despite his insistence that he’s vegetarian like me. I don’t care, but it’s cute that he doesn’t think I know! I’ve been veggie for over 20 years, but one of his former coworkers told me he saw him eating pepperoni pizza, and ever since then, I’ve noticed small meat escapades, and it’s so adorable that I can’t even call him on it because it doesn’t matter to me, but I know he would be embarrassed. © idonthavetoomanycats / Reddit
  • When we started dating I told him I was not ticklish. I just had to hold it together unbothered the first time he tried. He said it was no fun and 11 years later thinks I am still not ticklish. Best secret I’ve ever kept! © Haunted___ / Reddit
  • That I have a large, secret candy stash I hide far away from him in my closet, hoarding it like a little candy dragon. I love him. I have some chocolates accessible in the freezer if he wants some. I share certain varieties I buy, in small doses. But I keep all my goods locked away because he will absolutely inhale all of it in a week.
    He’s thin and fit, so feels no guilt or anything about swallowing half a bag of candy in one sitting, but I’m losing weight and cherish the sweets I have infrequently. It maddens him for whatever reason that it can take me 5 months to finish a bag of Dove chocolate, lol. I even have some Easter candy left in my stash. Of all the flaws for someone to have it’s not so bad, he at least tries to replace or reimburse, but it’s easier that I just keep my sweets to myself and share small portions. © Lurking_Moose / Reddit

Family secrets, especially between a husband and wife, can be a heavy burden. Sometimes, people keep things hidden to protect their loved ones or avoid conflict. But these secrets can create distance, making it hard to trust each other fully. Openness and honesty are important for a strong, healthy relationship.

Preview photo credit freepik / Freepik, latrl / Reddit


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