11 So Disturbing Real Stories That Can Give You Huge Goosebumps

4 months ago

It’s always exciting to hear stories that are unusual or strange. But sometimes, these tales are so creepy that they can haunt not only the people who lived through them but also us as listeners—leaving us with chills that stay for a lifetime.

  • My mom’s friend lived alone. She noticed weird things: a batch of soup depleting faster than usual, missing eggs, damp towels in the hamper when she hadn’t used any, extra dishes in the dishwasher, etc... This went on for months.
    One day, she heard noises from the attic and went to investigate. She found some make shift living quarters. Small radio, hot plate, sleeping bag, pillow, food wrappers, etc... She called the cops, who came to keep an eye on the place.
    They ended up catching a homeless man climbing a tree, trying to sneak into her attic window. He had been doing this almost daily. He would wait for her to go to work, then go downstairs and help himself to food and amenities.
    The funny part about this story is they got to know each other throughout the ordeal, and the guy was actually very respectful, just down on his luck. She let him move in, helped him get a job, and he lived in the attic until he got back on his feet. © Saganic / Reddit
  • A few years ago I was at a subway station with my then girlfriend waiting for a train. We had been seeing each other for a few weeks and had not met either’s circle of friends yet. We got on the subway when it arrived at the station and stood near the doors as people filed off the car. As we were waiting for the subway doors to close, I looked up and saw my buddy Fernando walking by. I waved and yelled his name at the same time that my gf waved and yelled his name too. Fernando and a dude right next to him look in my direction and wave back smiling. My gf and I both look at each other and at the same time say “How do you know Fernando??” Turns out, HER friend Fernando, and MY friend Fernando (two separate people) we walking next to each other as they were leaving the station when my girlfriend and I spotted them at the same time. Strangest coincidence I’ve ever encountered in my life. © alkaline_battery / Reddit
  • When I was about 11 some friends and I were having a slumber party, and we all snuck out of the house in the middle of the night and went to a park about half a block away. We had been there at least an hour or so when I thought I saw a large shadowy figure about 100 feet away, lurking in the shadows under some trees. We all turned to look and stared in the shadow’s direction for about 5 minutes, trying to make it out.
    Right about when we had decided we were seeing things, the figure started running at us at top speed. We jumped up and ran back to the house as fast as we could go and locked the door. We could hear someone moving around the outside of the house, and then it began tapping on the windows. We couldn’t wake anyone up, since we would have had to admit we had snuck out. © Septemberosebud / Reddit
  • When my grandparents bought their house for a family of 10, my grandpa found a fake wall upstairs. He tore it down to make more room for the family. Behind the wall were children’s clothes and play toys, almost like they walked off the room in a hurry.
    My mom told me stories of sitting in her room and something circling the walls around her, sounding like wallpaper being torn. When she moved out, my aunt moved into the same room. She would wake up with pictures she hung up laying on her chest in the morning.
    My cousins also have stories of hearing footsteps coming up the stairs and stopping outside their door in the middle of the night. I still don’t go upstairs at their house because it’s always cold, and I get weird vibes up there. Even in my adult life, I have scary dreams that take place in their upstairs. © D***R***s / Reddit
  • I met a person who revealed their crazy life story. She was adopted, grew up, married and had kids. Years later, she found her birth family. Turns out she married her brother. They stayed married for a bit, but it did eventually fall apart. © dicer / Reddit
  • My buddy told me this one. When he was like 15, he was living in Georgia and had a girlfriend who he really liked. His family moved to Los Angeles, and so he had to break up with her. He’s kinda lonely and depressed at his new school, but a guy in one of his classes befriends him, and soon they are bffs. But after a year or so, this guy tells him his family is moving to Georgia.
    A couple months later, my friend checks Facebook and sees this guy moved to the exact same neighborhood where he used to live, within a block or two. He goes to the same high school. And, to top it off...he is “in a relationship” with his old girlfriend. © xaperture / Reddit
  • I went to visit my mom for the summer and she’s very outdoorsy so we decided to take the 1 hour drive from her city to the coast. We end up at this free campsite at the top of this hill and we were the only campers there. We relaxed for the rest of the day, made food, etc. A truck full of men drive up the hill and talk with my mom and they leave us.
    Fast forward to the middle of the night. I wake up to my mom sitting straight up in the tent. I wake up easily so I heard her gasp and it woke me. As soon as she saw I was awake she put her hand over my mouth because I was starting to ask her what’s wrong. It was dead silent and all of a sudden you hear footsteps RIGHT beside the tent. The little flap that covers the zipper was even moving. Thankfully my mom has quick wits and said very loudly, “Kenny grab the gun.” Kenny is my dad, although that doesn’t matter, and mind you he was not there, just us girls like I previously said. They left. No harm was done. Thank the lord for my momma. © Unknown author / Reddit
  • At the time I was around 14, I’d asked my dad to wake me up early that morning at about 5 am because I had some work to get done. That morning, I was woken up, and I flung my legs over the side of my bed. I felt a tug on both of them, what I thought at the time was just my dad trying to get me to hurry up, I reached over to pick up my phone and turned it on, 3:30 am, and I looked over at the black figure I assumed was my dad, and it was gone. © tom-evvans / Reddit
  • One of my friends had a job in the hospital looking after patients, making beds, etc. I heard he randomly quit his job, wouldn’t talk to anyone about it. I bring some drinks over to his house and try to see if I can get him talking, he’s a total emotional wreck. Finally, get him to talk and he says that he was working one night in the hospital when he heard a nurse shouting for help because someone was going into cardiac arrest. So he runs down a hallway and some man runs towards him, they almost bump into each other and the man shouts “where’s the exit?”, my friend points to the exit then runs into the room with the man going into cardiac arrest only to see it’s the exact same person who ran past him in the hallway. He died in front of his eyes. © 0arussell / Reddit
  • I was around 14 and lived in a new apartment complex. The buildings towards the back were still being built and behind them was a big empty lot that had a dirt road you could walk down and at the end of that was a main road. One night, a couple friends and I were hanging out and ended up walking down that road while we were just talking.
    On the way back, as we approached one of the unfinished buildings, we heard voices (they sounded male) and thought maybe there were people hanging out inside. But as we got closer, the voices changed into what sounded like a little girl singing a nursery rhyme. I couldn’t make out any words, just a sing-song voice. © amahra / Reddit
  • I was walking into the house after work around 6 PM so it was already mostly dark, and suddenly the entire sky lit up bright green, and there was a super loud ZAP sound just like a movie laser or something, right over my head...so loud that I hit the deck and then tore back into the house. One of my roommates was cooking dinner and I was like “DID YOU SEE THAT” but he didn’t. We went back outside, no transformers near or out, no house’s electricity out, no sign of disturbance at all.

    Now I’m a rational grown man...a believer in science and always the “there must be a rational explanation for this” guy, but this was truly truly a mindblowing and I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it since. © kmoneyrecords / Reddit

Odd things can happen to us every day, usually fitting into the usual flow of life and making sense somehow. But once in a while, something so strange or creepy happens that we can’t explain it, no matter how hard we try. These moments stick with us, leaving us wondering if there’s more to the world than meets the eye.


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