12 Odd Things People Once Told And Left Their Partners Totally Shocked

2 months ago

Sometimes, even in long relationships, our partner can surprise us with something so unexpected, that it feels like we don’t even know them. It could be something they say or do - something so strange or out of the blue, we’d never have imagined it.

  • I opened a drawer in my bathroom and noticed a bunch of q-tips scattered all over my hairbrush, towels, etc. When I asked him about it, he said he dumped all my q-tips out and threw away the box they came in to help me “save space” in the drawer. © wutsligma / Reddit
  • I was in the passenger seat of my girlfriend’s car and opened the glove compartment to store something. She turned and screamed, “What are you doing?!” Confused, I asked, “What’s going on?”
    She said that it’s dangerous to open the glove compartment in a moving car because “it would damage the engine.” Apparently, her parents told her this when she was little so she wouldn't play with the compartment. © Airjack / Reddit
  • He was putting chicken directly on the racks in his oven to cook, despite juices dripping down and smoking/burning. © chnb / Reddit
  • I dated a girl that had a son. She kept giving him hotdogs. One day, I told her I didn’t think hotdogs were good for him. I reminded her that there were better choices. She said, "But if we don’t buy hotdogs, they will go out of business." © krispytomorrow / Reddit
  • I told him I had to leave in 1.5 hours. He told me that it was oddly specific, and I should have rounded up to 2 hours instead of 1 hour and 50 minutes. I clarified that I had to leave in 1 hour and 30 minutes, and he said that’s actually 1.3 hours. © IndividualAd2337 / Reddit
  • My husband, taking 4 different types of baking cocoa and dumping them into one container to “save space”. I ended up making a favorite cake with that mixed up mess. He didn’t like it, it was chocolate but the chocolate was wrong. © Dumbkitty2 / Reddit
  • We stopped at a gas station that sold lottery tickets. He came running out of the gas station, waving his ticket and saying he won $5. I asked him how much money he spent to win $5. He proudly told me that it was $20. © badbreath_onionrings / Reddit
  • After calling her to say things weren't gonna work out, and her parents were never gonna approve, she asked, "If you knew things weren't gonna work out, why did you ever kiss me?" The relationship was 2.5 years long. I was speechless. © carlos4068 / Reddit
  • Two weeks after we got married and moved into our first apartment together, he drops the, "I don't believe in monogamy" statement that felt like a sucker punch. I asked him if he knew this before we got married. He said yes. I asked him why did he marry me, then. He said he still wanted to wife me, but now wanted to be able to explore crushes and see where they go.
    ETA: We divorced five years later after being together, total, for ten years (five dating, five married). I tried my absolute best, but the hits just kept coming until our marriage was beyond redemption or hope. I've remarried, happily, with a house, two dogs, and a toddler. My ex has also remarried with two kids. © rivlet / Reddit
  • He locked himself in the bathroom and tattooed the Louis Vuitton logo onto his cheek. Backwards. Because he forgot that reflections were a thing. And then I had to explain to him, in excruciating detail, WHY he had messed up and what I meant by "it’s backwards." © OhEmRo / Reddit
  • She asked me if she had to divorce her first husband before we got married. © thebradman / Reddit
  • My girlfriend looked out the window just before sunset. The sun was still on the horizon. Then she looked up, saw a full moon above, and said, "How are the sun and moon out at the same time? What is going on?" She thought they were always exactly on the opposite sides of the Earth. © Chimie45 / Reddit

Awkward moments happen in every relationship, but sometimes they’re so strange or uncomfortable that they lead to the end. That’s when we truly see how dramatic an ex can be - turning the breakup into a full-blown soap opera we never signed up for.

Preview photo credit vecstock / Freepik, rivlet / Reddit


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