12 People Who Skillfully Dealt with Their Offenders

2 weeks ago

We bet we’ve all had situations where, after a conflict, we suddenly come up with a sharp retort we could have used, but by then it’s too late. These people, however, don’t waste any time and immediately stand up to their offenders.

  • I was once in a hotel elevator headed down to the lobby. I took out my phone to get directions to the bar where I was meeting my friends. A woman in the elevator, who was part of a group of people I don’t know, sneered at my phone and said “Ugh I hate technology.” To which I replied, “Then why aren’t you taking the stairs?” Her friends erupted in laughter and she was completely destroyed. © dviens / Reddit
  • I took my seat on the plane with extra legroom that I had paid for. Just as I settled in, a pregnant woman came over and deliberately protruded her approximately five-month belly. She demanded that I give up my seat, insisting that everyone should yield to pregnant women. However, she immediately fell silent and left when she saw that I was also pregnant after I took off my jacket.
  • In high school, I had to stay in detention after class. The school director came to see me during the day to remind me of it in front of the class.
    Director: “Remember detention after class.”
    Me: “Yeah, sure.”
    A fellow classmate yells at me: “Haha, loser!”
    Director to me: “See? Not cool, huh?”
    Me to the director: “He wasn’t talking to me.” © 24HrsGlam*** / Reddit
  • During an argument, an old co-worker once told me, “The only word I can think of to describe you is ’pathetic.’” I replied, “How is it my fault you have an inferior vocabulary?” © WizardofFlaws / Reddit
  • I had a teacher who hated everyone, but especially picked on me. I made the whole class make life difficult for her, and she ended up being fired about 3 or 4 years before she would have retired. © DerUebamensch / Reddit
  • I took a bite out of this kid’s PB&J sandwich and then threw it back into his bowl after he made fun of my Indian food, which my mom worked hard to prepare. © somkkeshav555 / Reddit
  • My daughter, who is in fourth grade, had a desk partner who talked all day about how rich she was, how much money she had saved up, and how she was richer than my daughter. So my daughter replied, “It’s good; with a face like yours, at least someone might marry you for your money.” © kloslat / Reddit
  • My coworker saw a former coworker, who had been fired, at a party with mutual friends. They never particularly liked each other.
    Fired coworker: “Hey man, last time I saw you, you didn’t have that pretentious haircut.”
    Current coworker: “And last time I saw you, you were employed!” © h***kitten / Reddit
  • I overheard at work that a woman was giving one of the guys a hard time about something. She commented on his clothing, and he snapped at her, “Your bank account has never had a comma in it!” © goblinmarketeer / Reddit
  • I was at work and took off my glasses to clean them when a female coworker said to me, “Eww, put your glasses back on; you look better that way,” jokingly.
    So I responded, “But if I leave my glasses off, you look better that way.” I got a couple of high-fives for that. © Unknown author / Reddit
  • I was arguing with a girl in my second-semester math analysis class last year. She mentioned how I had had the same second block with her during the first semester and immediately accused me of “stalking.” I retorted, “I’m sorry you weren’t smart enough to pass this class the first time around.” © Unknown author / Reddit
  • When I was younger my mother would take me grocery shopping weekly and there was this cart guy who was slightly mentally handicapped and my mother would always stop to talk to him for a bit. One day after going this a woman approached us and said, “Oh, I guess today is when they let all the retards out.” Very calmly my mother responded, “It’s so nice that they let you all out once and a while.” It was awesome. © Unknown author / Reddit

It’s important to stand up for your rights, especially in cases like dealing with unbearable roommates.


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