13 Beauty Tips and Secrets the Beauty Industry Won’t Tell You About

7 months ago

Yes, it’s true that beauty is one of the toughest things to work on and there is no universal treatment that fits all. We all keep searching and trying new things in order to discover the routine that our body will start responding positively to. We may not know what your body needs, but we do have some helpful tips that you will probably never see any big beauty company suggesting.

1. Get at least 11 mg of zinc every day to help repair your hairline.

Zinc can lead to hair loss and other issues, but only if you have enough of it every day. The recommended daily intake of zinc is 8 mg to 11 mg. Still, some hair loss experts suggest a limit of 25 mg, but it should not be taken for longer than 2 to 3 weeks.

2. Don’t discount the benefits of sunscreen.

Beautiful and healthy skin can’t be achieved without regular use of sunscreen. Mamie McDonald, a cosmetics expert who worked with Madonna, says that any other efforts you make will be in vain if you neglect this rule. Another celebrity cosmetologist, Dr. Lancer, advises the use of cream with SPF no less than 30, reapplied during the day.

3. Remove a stye with castor oil.

Styes are an infection caused by blocked oil ducts in the eyelid, which can often be caused by the buildup of oils and dirt over time. To remove this eyesore, carefully apply some castor oil to the stye using a Q-tip. After a few days you’ll start to notice that the stye is getting smaller and that the area is less red and swollen.

This is because castor oil is very effective against bacterial infections, like styes. Research showed that after using castor oil on infected eyes, the infection started to diminish.

4. Don’t overdry your skin if there’s an inflammation.

Most anti-spot creams contain benzoyl peroxide that dries the skin, aggravates inflammation, and increases production of sebum. Alcohol acts similarly, so you won’t get rid of spots like this. Dr. Harold Lancer recommends turning your attention to exfoliating with salicylic or lactic acid and cleansing masks with clay.

5. Brush your hair from bottom to top.

The most common way to brush your hair is from the root to the tip — but when dealing with tangles, it is better to begin near the tips to remove the knots and work your way upward. Start at the tips of your hair, where tangles are most frequently present, and then move on to the mid-section of your hair. Holding your hair in one hand, while brushing your hair with the other hand, helps prevent any pain and makes it easier to undo frizzy knots. Once the tangles are removed, you can continue with the root-to-the-tip brush strokes.

6. Never forget about your neck.

The neck is one part of a woman’s body that gives away its owner’s age almost at once, so it’s very important to take good care of it. The skin here is thin and requires care as delicate as your face does. Go further than your chin, and you’ll be fine.

7. Dry your hair gently.

Hair is vulnerable and prone to breakage when it’s wet. Vigorously rubbing your hair and wrapping it tightly in a towel can actually add to the formation of more tangles. It is best to lightly squeeze and pat your hair dry with a towel, and then let it dry naturally or with the help of a fan.

8. Rub an ice cube onto your skin.

Dermatologists advise rubbing your face with an ice cube for a few seconds to prevent a dull complexion. This simple trick stimulates circulation, and your skin starts positively glowing.

9. Use essential oils for masks and wrapping.

There is really nothing bad about using essential oils. For example, citrus essential oils can help you get rid of cellulite. But don’t use too much of it if you do wrapping at home. Too much essential oil can cause burns complete with blisters and itching. It’s better to add just a few drops at a time to be safe.

10. Don’t use scrubs and face sponges, especially if you’re prone to acne.

Skin care specialists recommend never using any abrasive skin care products (scrubs, sponges, brushes) if you have acne: this only leads to graver inflammation. Any skin type needs delicate cleansing without soap, and to reduce reddening and inflammation, apply a water-and-aspirin paste to the spots.

11. Massage your platysma muscle for a face lift.

The platysma muscle could be considered the muscle of youth because keeping it healthy can help your face look young. One of the visible signs of aging is our face “falling” down. The platysma muscle connects the lower face with the chest and when it becomes tense and shortened over time, it pulls down the entire lower face structures.

To massage this muscle to keep it strong you should gently roll the skin upward in sections by pinching any loose skin and gently lifting it up toward your neck. Doing this regularly can be a huge part of preventing premature aging as blood flow is increased to the area, increasing collagen production.

12. Always take off your bra before going to bed.

As much as you might be tempted to leave your bra on before sleep, hearing all the stuff about your breasts becoming perkier thanks to this, doctors warn against it. A bra, especially a tight or wired one, constricts your blood circulation, leading to health problems. In addition, it causes skin irritation, restlessness due to discomfort, and darkening of the skin under the straps and wire.

13. Increase your hair growth with rosemary water.

Not only does rosemary water help to stimulate hair growth, it can also reduce dandruff. In fact, one study found that rosemary oil is just as effective as the hair growth medication Minoxidil (Rogaine). Simply boil some fresh stems of rosemary in water for 20 mins before poring the water into a spray bottle to store in the fridge for up to one week. Spray it onto your hair roots once a day.

From easy but unknown makeup tips to helpful info about how to keep a good posture, there are so many things we do not know. These tips don’t aim to make us follow all the restraining beauty standards, but to help us treat ourselves better.


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