13 Odd Things Happened to People That They Can’t Explain With Logic

3 months ago

Some things are so strange that they leave us confused instead of giving us answers. It might be a scary story from someone we trust or a strange experience we’ve had ourselves — these moments tend to stay with us. Talking about them can make us feel better, just like the people in this article who shared their stories with others online.

  • My niece is only 2 but we believe she is seeing spirits. She calls them “spooky ghosts.” My Father died in November and a few days before she was having a bath. She looked to the door and said, “HELLO PAPA!!!” My sister was creeped out. © Wackydetective / Reddit
  • I was once sitting on the couch with my boyfriend and heard the words “I love you.” Then my boyfriend goes, “I love you too.” I was so utterly confused because I wasn’t the one who said “I love you.” My mouth was shut.
    I remember hearing and feeling the vibrations of words and sounds being produced, but I wasn’t the one who did it, and neither was he. It sounded like a feminine voice, coming from right in front of my face, but no one was outside the window or in the room with us. It was creepy. I still think about it. © TenderN***leBender / Reddit
  • I have incredibly vivid memories of a red and yellow snake creature made of socks. It had skinny, bony arms and legs and a mouth like a lamprey. I now believe these to be hallucinations, something I still suffer with, but I will never forget what it looked like.
    © Uknown author / Reddit
  • When I was 4, while on a trip abroad, a man tried to buy me from my parents because I had green eyes and blond hair. The man physically picked me up and tried bartering with my dad, but my dad was a big dude and snatched me back, and we quickly left that area.
    © lurkashrae / Reddit
  • I was reading the book Think and Grow Rich. In the book, it says something along the lines of how you might notice something weird as you read it.
    Anyway, I decided to bring the book to a coffee shop downtown. I was reading a paragraph about a parent with a deaf child. At that very moment, a child sat down near me. I didn’t think much of it until his mother came over and started doing sign language with him. © Soatch / Reddit
  • My mom told me once that the weirdest thing she ever saw was a big white dog that came toward her on the street but when she turned around, the dog wasn’t there anymore. It wasn’t a crowded street or anything, it was just gone. The weird part about it is that I’ve seen the white dog too. I was heading down a street alone and then there was this big white dog next to me. When I turned around, it was gone. I am certain I saw it and that it was there. I don’t usually believe in ghosts and I’m the kind of person to watch ghost vids in the middle of the night and go to bed with no problems because I don’t believe in that stuff, but that dog thing that happened to both my mom and I is something I think about often. © s*****esalmon / Reddit
  • My ex-wife and I bought an older house in the 1930s. We were renovating and had put some baseboards in the basement painted them, and left them to dry overnight.
    The next morning, we looked at them, and it seemed like someone had taken a sharp knife and dragged it down the entire length of two of the baseboards, almost 8 feet each. The “blade” had gouged through the new paint, old paint, primer, and right down to the wood. It was just the two of us in the house. © dBasement / Reddit
  • My sister and I were home alone in the living room when, all of a sudden, it sounded like 1,000 plates came crashing out of the kitchen cabinets. We looked at each other and took off running into the kitchen. There was nothing broken.
    We opened all the cabinets and went through everything, trying to find broken dishes, but everything was perfectly fine. We always get weirded out thinking about this. © discover-luke / Reddit
  • A long while back, when I was living with my first girlfriend, my mom came to visit. One morning while they were in the kitchen, I was sleeping in, was in that state of half awake / half asleep, and could hear them talking in the kitchen. As I’m lying there, in that state of twilight, I start dreaming I’m on a beach, like a cold, North Atlantic beach. I can hear the footsteps of someone coming closer to me. I’m listening to my girlfriend and my mother in the kitchen, and at the same time I’m listening to this man approach. The whole time, I could tell the man had a sense that he could see me as well, and then the footsteps got right up to me, and I heard them stop. Then there’s a pause, and then I feel his hand on my arm.
    And I sit straight up, freaked out, and I swear to God I felt the lingering sensation of a hand, as if it had just had a hold of my forearm lingering. Never told anyone about this. I often wonder if, one morning, a fisherman out in Ireland was out on the beach and somehow saw me in the mists, then reached out to see if I was real. © Unknown author / Reddit
  • One time when I was in a pool my friend was on the other side and I felt the water pull my foot and I couldn’t stand. It was like when the tide gets pulled in and you lose your balance but it was an in ground pool. © INCORRECT_USERNAMEok / Reddit
  • One time, I was in my backyard playing with a plastic toy dinosaur. Loved that thing. I tossed it up into the sky, and it never fell back down. I never saw it again. © elpantalla / Reddit
  • When I was a child, I lived in a house with a very large, two-story-high entryway and a long staircase leading to the entrance. Across from the staircase was a large, antique mirror.
    I was alone in the house, my mother and siblings were out for groceries, and I was listening to music when I stopped to look at my own reflection.
    I saw myself in the mirror’s reflection descending the staircase. I ripped my headphones off and turned around, but I, of course, was not there. No one was. © ca***balking / Reddit
  • I was at home by myself when I was 14. My mom was grocery shopping, and my brother was at his friend’s house. My phone rang, and it was my grandma. She was screaming, “WHAT’S WRONG? WHAT’S WRONG?”
    I convinced her everything was okay. She told me that my mom had just called her, repeatedly saying, “HELP, THE KIDS!” My mom came in, called her back, and convinced her nothing had happened.
    We went to my grandma’s because she was still shaken. She showed us our number on the caller ID, which was impossible. © Unknown author / Reddit

Some real-life stories are so weird that they stay with people forever. Whether it’s a strange noise at night, a ghostly figure, or something they can’t explain, these moments leave a lasting chill. Sharing these experiences helps people feel less alone, but some things are just too creepy to forget.


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