14 People Who Dared to Do Disturbing Things, but Behaved Like It Is Nothing to Feel Shame For

day ago

Living by your own rules can be cool sometimes, giving you freedom to be yourself. But some people take it too far and don’t feel any shame for things that bother or disturb others. It’s important to find a balance between being yourself and respecting those around you.

  • I was working at a Thai restaurant when we had a paying customer who, after ordering a meal, would get up and collect the plates from tables that had just left and eat the leftovers...including noodle soups. © chubblesworld / Reddit
  • I watched a middle-aged man take his shoes off and clip his toenails onto the floor in a waiting area at Logan airport. From the phone conversation he was having at the same time, it appeared that he was a mental health professional. © auntieboing / Reddit
  • Saw a guy walk out of a shopping mall with a burger in a box. He opened the box, took the patty off the burger, ate the patty while letting everything else fall onto the sidewalk in front of him, and then walked away. That was over twenty years ago, and I’m still kinda stunned by it. © PugnaciousPangolin / Reddit
  • I was at a movie theater, and we had just walked in and sat down in our seats, since the theater we were going to was open. An employee, probably around 35 years old, walked in and asked everyone (a small handful of people) to leave for a few minutes so he could clean it. He had a stutter and some type of “disability.”
    The employee was SUPER friendly and nice about having to ask us to leave.
    This dad, who was there with his three pre-teen and teen kids, started making fun of the employee and the way he spoke, joking, mimicking, and trying to get his kids to join in with him. © fasdy / Reddit
  • I worked at a fancy restaurant where a guest came in and took off his shoes before putting his feet up on the chair beside him while everyone was eating. © tryingmybestheredude / Reddit
  • I used to work at a movie theater as an usher. There was a while when we had popcorn buckets that could be refilled. I watched a guy walk out of a theater, reach into a garbage can, and pull one out, shake out a bunch of trash, and then walk straight to concessions to get it refilled.
    Granted, I felt like any job where you have to clean up after others gives a glimpse into the worst of people. © IronSasquatch / Reddit
  • One of my friends lent a classmate a pen, and we both watched in horror as he chewed on the pen the entire class. Then he had the audacity to try to return it at the end of class, all chewed up. She let him keep it. We were around 15 years old at the time. © themagicfroggie / Reddit
  • I caught my cheating wife arranging a meeting with her lover on our 3rd year anniversary while she was sitting next to me on the couch, trying to figure out how she was going to make up a reason to get away for a little while. When confronted, she denied it. Then I showed her the pic I took over her shoulder of her highly incriminating phone chat. She was just, “Well, guess I should head out now” and left. © tampora701 / Reddit
  • I used to work at a gas station. I had a person who got into a huge fight and started ranting that I wouldn’t accept his $100 bill for a $15 payment. I told him I don’t have the change for a bill like that. I even told him it’s posted at the front door and at every gas pump. He just wouldn’t take no for an answer.
    I had to call the cops because after he insulted me, I told him that he had to leave. He wouldn’t and was interfering with me doing my job. The cops talked to him. He mouthed off to the cops and left. The cops came into the station and told me if he came back, to call them. © Stephen_M_GI / Reddit
  • I work customer service at a supermarket chain. One day, I encountered a lady who was absolutely flabbergasted that her milk, on which the expiry date was clearly written, had gone bad.
    She was complaining and complaining, had the store manager called down, the front-end manager, and the dairy manager too! Once this whole ordeal was handled, she turned to her 14-year-old daughter and said, “Now, that’s how it’s done.” © Kahonii / Reddit
  • This kid who used to live next to me came over to hang out with my brother one time, and when he got hungry, he opened a can of pie filling and ate it with his hands.
    He then proceeded to go around touching doorknobs and stuff in the house. I had to clean it up because both he and my brother refused to. They were both 12. © Quincy_Thorne / Reddit
  • I once saw a woman on a train unwrap a lollipop, drop it on the floor, then pick it up and put it directly in her mouth. Then she proceeded to pull a second lollipop out of her pocket, unwrap it, and drop it as well. Nothing quite like the added flavor of commuter rail floor. © SnoozeBox / Reddit

Some actions, like a roommate constantly stealing food from the fridge, can be annoying but not too serious. However, other actions can cause real harm, leading to broken trust and even ruining relationships or marriages. It’s important to recognize how our actions affect others before it’s too late.

Preview photo credit tampora701 / Reddit


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