With countless eyes on them all the time, celebrities are often pressured into looking glamorous every second of the day. Luckily, many still find moments to let loose and allow their skin to breathe. On social media , they make sure to share their most natural appearance and proudly pose with no makeup on. We’ve collected a few examples of how these stars are still gorgeous without the help of cosmetics.
1. Julianne Moore, 61 years old
2. Selena Gomez, 30 years old
3. Carrie Underwood, 39 years old
4. Cara Delevingne, 29 years old Zabulon Laurent / ABACA / Abaca / East News, face to face / FaceToFace / REPORTER / East News
NBC / SNL / Ferrari Press / East News, face to face / FaceToFace / REPORTER / East News
6. Dakota Fanning, 28 years old
7. Zoë Kravitz, 32 years old JEAN-BAPTISTE LACROIX / AFP / East News, face to face / FaceToFace / REPORTER / East News
Collin Xavier/Image Press Agency ABACA/Abaca/East News, face to face/FaceToFace/REPORTER/East News
10. Sarah Jessica Parker, 56 years old RCF / MEGA / Mega Agency / East News, Jose Perez / Bauergriffin.com / MEGA / Mega Agency / East News
11. Scarlett Johansson, 36 years old JEAN-BAPTISTE LACROIX / AFP / East News, ZapatA / MEGA / East News
12. Emma Stone, 32 years old Invision / Invision / East News, MEGA / Mega Agency / East News
13. Jennifer Lawrence, 31 years old ANGELA WEISS / AFP / East News, LRNYC / MEGA / Mega Agency / East News
14. Paris Hilton, 40 years old JEAN-BAPTISTE LACROIX / AFP / East News, face to face / FaceToFace / REPORTER / East News
15. Lady Gaga, 36 years old Which of these ladies did you find the most attractive in the right photo?
Preview photo credit JEAN-BAPTISTE LACROIX / AFP / East News, ZapatA / MEGA / East News