15+ Little Angels Who Seem to Have Lived a Lifetime

10 months ago

Babies are just lovely, from their soft skin to their big eyes and that special baby smell. Even though they’re cute, you might notice that some babies kinda look like old folks. So, we found some toddlers who have a bit of a Benjamin Button thing going on—ready to be called “Sir” if you feel like it.

1. Oh my!

2. All he needs is a pair of glasses and to tie his house to balloons so he can fly to Paradise Falls.

3. Baby Mandrake in a Gryffindor costume.

4. The baby is making you an offer you cannot refuse.

5. 15 minutes old and already disappointed.

6. This is Baby Jay from Modern Family.

7. Looks like he’s about to complain about the late breakfast.

8. Nope, not amused. At all.

9. Meet baby Soprano in the making.

10. Maybe he’s laughing at his own dad joke.

11. The “Are they using my driveway to turn around?” look.

12. Is this baby Gandalf?

13. He is not happy to be welcomed into his new home.

14. Hairline is everything.

15. Another grumpy old baby, who looks like she doesn’t want anyone walking on her lawn.

16. Baby Daddy is out to steal your girl in no time.

17. This is an 80-year-old one-day-old boy.

18. That hairline makes an appearance again.

19. This baby should be cast as baby Stanley from The Office.

20. When you have to bake some cookies, but have nap time at 3:

Before you go, our next story is about a super little baby, just three days old, who’s already lifting her head and trying to crawl! Yup, you heard it right. Join us in our next article to discover the amazing journey of this super-early explorer.


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