15 People Who Wish They Never Spent Money on These Products

year ago

One of the most common things that people do when they receive an order that is not as advertised is to make a complaint or ask for their money back. However, with so many fake websites being created every minute, getting a refund might be absolutely impossible. Despite the sad fact that they have wasted their money, at least they are left with funny pictures and stories to tell their online friends.

1. “What could go wrong ordering a $100 wedding dress online from Wish.”

2. “My parents bought some jeans and they were of really low quality — the holes were literally just normal squares.”

3. “Chocolate chip pancakes.”

4. “My nephew ordered a Medium Chicago Bears sweater, and got sent a Medium... For dogs. I can’t stop laughing.”

5. The difference is truly spooky.

6. “Expectation: 8 inch thick mattress. Reality: 4 inch, loosely filled mattress where you can easily feel the metal frame underneath.”

7. “When you ordered the trainers on the left and receive these. Is this a joke?”

8. “What you order vs what you get — don’t trust Instagram ads!”

9. “Did my barber mess with me?”

10. “They weren’t even a day old... $150 thrown right into the trash can.”

11. Absolutely identical.

12. “I was going for ‘boho chic,’ but the internet shop gave me something else.”

13. “I ordered size 10 Crocs online and this is what they sent.”

14. “The bear mask my friend ordered vs The nightmare fuel he received.”

15. Something didn’t go as planned here.

Have you ever been deceived by a product’s advertisement and when you finally got it in your hands you realized that it was all a fad?

Preview photo credit momo2477 / Reddit


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