17 People Who Were Amazed to Receive Exactly What They Ordered

9 months ago

survey showed that about 28% of people don’t trust online ads at all, while only 12% believe that ads are good for society. With so many people sharing their purchase fails online, it seems natural that their distrust is rising. But not everything is a lie and unreachable. Some people manage to make good buying choices or recreate the inspiration image.

1. “My mom made an Elsa cake.”

2. “I ordered my elopement dress online. This could go all sorts of wrong, but, to me, it’s perfect.”

3. “Friend ordered chicken on her pizza in Israel. Reasonable execution.”

4. “Not bad at all. Even the number of tomatoes was the same.”

5. “Decided to try a ready meal and...well. Color me surprised.”

6. “I thought I ordered one pair...”

7. “One of the few cases where reality exceeds expectations.”

8. “Asked for extra pepperoni.”

9. “I ordered three computer chargers from China. Got this instead.”

10. “Picture given to local baker on the left... Actual Hungry Unicorn cake I received on the right. I like my cake better!”

11. “Very well done tattoo.”

12. “Quite as advertised”

13. “Honestly pretty good”

14. “‘Can I get extra egg?’ In Tokyo, Japan.”

15. “Tried out a Korean place we’d never been to before. Ordered Bulgogi. This is what came out. I think I am in over my head.”

16. “Last night I ordered a kebab, and they sent me all of their leftover chicken. Apparently, I was their last customer.”

17. “I had low expectations for this dress I ordered for an event, but it actually was the perfect dress!”

Unfortunately, fails and disappointment are more prevalent with online orders and personal efforts. There are so many people who have high hopes only to see them being crashed down.

Preview photo credit savageexplosive / Reddit


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