18 Celebrities Who Seem to Have Pressed the Refresh Button on Their Looks

2 years ago

Seeing celebrity glow-ups is nice because we are reminded of what these celebrities looked like when they were just starting out in their careers. And watching their stunning makeovers or transformations reminds us of how much they’ve bloomed over the years. Here are some then-and-now pics of famous people who were able to reinvent themselves and captivate us with their new looks.

1. Tom Cruise

2. Kelly Osbourne

3. Jonah Hill

© John Shearer / WireImage / Getty Images, Invision/Invision/East News

4. Demi Lovato

EAST NEWS, Invision/Invision/East News

5. Kristen Stewart

Matt Sayles/Invision/AP/East News, Kazuko Wakayama/KCS/East News

6. Lionel Messi

7. Ariana Grande

Robin Platzer/ LFI/EAST NEWS, Lumeimages, PacificCoastNews/EAST NEWS

8. Miley Cyrus

© s_bukley / Depositphotos, Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP/East News

9. Ryan Gosling

Mary Evans/Allstar/Graham Whitby Boot/East News, Kristin Callahan/Everett Collection/East News

10. Kate Beckinsale

11. Justin Bieber

Adriana M. Barraza / WENN.com/agefotostock/East News, ANGELA WEISS/AFP/East News

12. Megan Fox

ABC/Courtesy Everett Collection/East News, Invision/Invision/East News

13. Chris Pratt

Warner Bros/Courtesy Everett Collection/ East News, Invision/Associated Press/East News

14. Bella Hadid

Richard Shotwell/Invision/AP/East News, B4859 / Avalon/Photoshot/East News

15. Jack Black

16. Khloé Kardashian

Darla Khazei, PacificCoastNews.com/EAST NEWS, face to face/FaceToFace/REPORTER/East News

17. Lady Gaga

18. Zac Efron

Which celebrity do you believe has undergone the most dramatic makeover?

Preview photo credit ABC/Courtesy Everett Collection/East News, Invision/Invision/East News


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