18 Odd Pics That Will Urge You to Understand What’s Going On

2 years ago

Humans are inquisitive by nature. That’s why when we see images that don’t make sense, our first instinct is to figure them out. For example, these pictures may seem like they are defying human logic. But if you take a closer look, you’ll realize that it’s really just about the angle and timing of the photo, or the subject itself.

1. “This dog has a partially formed twin attached to him.”

2. “The man in the back of this picture looks like his hand is on the girl’s shoulder.”

3. “An invisible man sitting on the chair”

4. This dog is taking over the city — he’s huge.

5. “Ruby with a bone in her mouth makes it look like she heard some jaw-dropping news.”

6. “Hand growing out of cat stomach”

7. “I opened up a secret door behind a book case and it led me to this.”

8. “A fire-breathing dog”

9. “A mirror was taken to the curb on trash day.”

10. “My sister standing right behind my cat when I took the picture makes it looks like it has a beautiful haircut.”

11. A dog with a very long tail

12. This “flat” building

13. 1 cat head in 2 bodies

14. A huge tree with a small man on the side

15. A dog that is swallowed by the floor

16. “Small kid, big feet”

17. “This animal is called a ’snoad,’ a cross between a snake and a toad.”

18. “A furniture delivery truck parked behind me.”

Which of these photos confused you the most? Do you have any shots like these? Tell us in the comments.


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