19 Everyday Objects with Surprisingly Brilliant Design

4 hours ago

Discover a world of simple yet ingenious inventions that make life easier and more comfortable. From a toilet bowl lid lifter to a solar-powered phone-charging umbrella, these creative designs showcase human ingenuity without relying on complex technology. Get ready to be inspired by practical and user-friendly solutions that prove less is more.

1. “This toilet bowl lid had a dedicated section for your hand to lift it.”

2. The ice-cream holder

3. “An old manhole cover in Oklahoma City bears a map of the city.”

4. “I ordered some sample colors for new blinds, and they sent me actual tiny little blinds.”

5. “Urinals that protect your shoes from the splashback”

6. “The local laundromat has a lost and found for socks.”

7. “My plastic wrap just told me to add it to my grocery list!”

8. “The charging bank at my Honda dealer”

9. “These squeaky kid shoes have a switch to turn off the squeaking.”

11. “My vacuum cleaner filter displays taps when it’s wet after cleaning, so you know when it’s fully dry.”

12. “My shirt has a cloth for cleaning glasses sewn into it.”

13. “These earbuds have a zipper so they won’t tangle.”

14. “My new wok has circles to measure oil.”

15. “After using these pencils, you can plant them in the soil and then a sapling will grow from the green bottom!”

16. This bottle opener looks like a parrot.

17. “The packaging for these dryer balls”

18. “Eco-friendly paper concertina bottle packaging”

19. Bidet

As we marvel at the brilliance of these everyday objects, it’s important to remember that not all designs hit the mark. Stay tuned for our upcoming article featuring 20 cringe-worthy design fails that’ll make you wonder, “What were they thinking?”


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