Kids may do the weirdest things, and any parent can agree that sometimes it’s simply impossible to argue with them. But if you try to unpack your child’s logic, it can actually make sense after all. If your feet feel hot when you wear socks, cutting holes in them seems like a creative way to solve the problem.
The Now I’ve Seen Everything team has gathered some of the funniest photos that perfectly capture kids’ logic.
1. “We were playing hide and seek.”
2. “My younger sibling just put a blanket in the toilet.”
4. “My 4-year-old nephew drew a very flattering portrait of me.”
5. “My 5-year-old daughter cut holes in her socks just in case her feet get hot.”
6. “It was at exactly this moment that my son realized his mistake.”
7. “I spend a ton of money on educational toys for my kid and she chooses potatoes.”
8. This kid complained that his laptop wasn’t charging.
9. “Didn’t know I was raising a mountain climber.”
10. “I guess my 9-year-old was curious.”
11. “When your mom won’t let you have antifreeze”
12. “I bit my older brother again, therefore, I am crying my eyes out!”
13. “My daughter was furious that we wouldn’t let her keep a handful of coins in her mouth.”
14. “Why do I bother giving my toddler snacks when he would rather eat a ball?”
15. “My son got some juice out of the pantry. He waddled over to me while carrying this and asking for help...”
16. “My son said he was trying to throw the remote onto the TV stand...”
17. “My daughter gave my son a signed picture of herself for Christmas.”
18. “If you look closely, you can see my son hiding from me.”
19. “My friend’s kid decided to make his own popsicle.”
Is there a weird thing your kid has done that has stuck with you?