13 Unexpected Things That Germans Usually Save On

Most people believe that intimacy means sleeping together as a couple and spending a lot of time next to each other. However, in recent years, more and more couples choose to sleep in separate bedrooms and feel happy about it. This doesn’t mean that they have problems, but that they simply think that this is the best choice for them.
We believe that there is no shame in sleeping separately and even science agrees that it can work wonders for many couples. Make sure not to miss the bonus at the end!
During the night, our brain cycles through stages of sleep several times: light sleep, deep sleep, and REM (rapid eye movement sleep). But when you interrupt the cycle by waking up during the night, it means that your brain spends more time in the light sleep stage and misses out on REM. And without sufficient REM, your emotional well-being and cognitive performance suffer.
Interrupted sleep can also have short and long-term health consequences, like hypertension, weight-related issues, mental health problems, reduced quality of life, and other health-related issues.
Sleeping alone can absolutely transform your beauty rest, but if you aren’t quite ready yet to sleep in a separate bed you might want to try sleeping in one bed with two individual duvets. This will allow you to get better sleep at night, which in turn can benefit your skin. Because your skin produces new collagen while you’re sleeping, getting enough Zzzs can help your skin stay plump and radiant for longer.
This is the result of sleeping without any disturbances. Both partners wake up energized and feel like they can face their respective lives with more focus and control. They are also mentally and physically healthier and they don’t feel resentful toward each other for any sleep disruptions. This way their entire relationship is happier since they wake up refreshed and without any anger whatsoever.
Couples who sleep in different beds or even in different bedrooms do so because of things like snoring, fidgeting, and bed or blanket hogging. Lying awake listening to your partner snoring while you toss and turn trying to fall asleep can lead to a build-up of anger, tension, and resentment toward your partner.
According to Jennifer Adams, author of Sleeping Apart Not Falling Apart, sleeping in a separate bedroom can even help a relationship thrive because both partners are not sleep deprived.
According to research, sharing a bed with a partner that has restless sleep behavior can deprive you of 49 minutes of sleep each night. And, when one partner doesn’t get a proper night’s sleep because of the other, it will most likely result in a conflict between them the next day.
Actually, the study even confirmed that couples who tend to have a poor night’s sleep have more severe and more frequent fights than those who wake up well-rested. People who get a good night’s sleep, on the other hand, are more likely to be in a good mood, have lower stress levels, and be more patient.
The first thing that makes Japanese couples decide to not sleep together is different work schedules. Waking up your significant other just because you got home late from work or have to leave early won’t result in good quality rest for them. This is why spending the night in a different room makes sense. This will give them both an undisturbed and a healthier rest.
Physical intimacy isn’t something you take for granted since you can’t just roll over to your partner and cuddle. You actually miss their touch and put more thought into how to approach them and spend intimate time together. This means that this aspect of your life together isn’t becoming a habit, but a rather exciting surprise that keeps you both highly engaged.
A much-needed time-out will help both of you recharge your batteries and build a relationship with yourselves. You can read a book, watch your favorite show, or do some meditation before going to sleep. You can also use that time to communicate with your friends and focus on them for a bit. All this space will give you more things to talk about with your partner from your separate experiences.
Do you sleep in the same bed with your partner? If you’ve chosen separate bedrooms, have you noticed any differences in your relationship?