9 Travelling Tips You Won’t Find in Any Tourist Guide

year ago

Either it’s by car or train or airplane, everyone has found themselves travelling at some point. In fact, many of you might be travelling a few times every year for your holidays or for work-related matters. And there are so many things that can go wrong or that can give you a hard time. This is why it’s good to be prepared for all the different possibilities.

1. Cancel out the noise.

A pair of earplugs will do your trip wonders. It not only can block out conversations other people are having but also any other sort of noise that’s preventing you from taking a nap in absolute silence.

2. Drink a lot of water.

The air inside the airplane is drier than in our usual environments. Because of this, it’s important to stay hydrated. Drink water instead of coffee or other drinks.

3. Never leave children alone.

In order to avoid accidents, such as a heat stroke, be sure to always keep an eye on the children, whether they’re inside or outside the car, no matter how short a stop it is or what the weather conditions are. Cars can heat up quickly inside, reaching very high temperatures.

When the vehicle is not being used, don’t let children play inside. Lock the doors and always leave the keys out of reach.

4. Use the travel pillow the right way.

Most people attach a pillow to their neck so that it supports the back of the neck. But in practice, the head begins to tilt down because of it, where there is no support, and as a result, you feel uncomfortable and even pain in your back and neck. It’s not easy to fall asleep or just relax in this position.

It’s much more comfortable to turn the pillow in a way that it supports the neck in front of you and doesn’t let the head bend down. At the same time, the back of the seat will support your neck and head from behind.

If you feel more comfortable sleeping on your side, place the pillow over your arm so that its most voluminous part is on your shoulder. It’s best to sleep like that if you are sitting by the window, which will create support for the pillow so that it’s secured and doesn’t become flat under the weight of your head.

Perhaps you’re used to sleeping on your stomach, and it will be more comfortable for you to place a pillow on the table in front of you so that you can put your hands and head on it. An n-shaped pillow is perfect for this, especially if it has slightly elongated edges. If so, your forehead and cheeks will be on the pillow, and your face will be in the space between the edges.

Tip: Some pillows are designed to be attached to the seatbelt, while others can be attached to the seat in front or behind you. And for extra back comfort in the lumbar area during long journeys, a lumbar support pillow will help to keep your spine in a natural position.

5. Keep conversations short during the trip.

It’s important for children to understand that they should behave calmly in the car, as shouting or other actions can be distracting to the driver. For this reason, short conversations can be very effective in keeping them entertained and supervised.

Discussing the surroundings, talking about the places you’re about to visit, or playing fun games will help you to have a calm and enjoyable trip. At the same time, this will prevent motion sickness caused by the use of cell phones or tablets.

6. Have a sick bag on hand.

Some kids are not used to driving in a car, so a plastic bag is essential for the first ride. It would be best if you always have a bag in the car. Ensure that the sick bag is easily accessible and that you only give it to them if they need it.

7. Wear comfortable clothes on the plane.

When preparing for a flight, think about the surfaces you will have to touch, how small the seats will be, and how much the temperature might fluctuate. Don’t wear shorts or short skirts, it’s better to wear light pants or a long dress.

Planes are not cleaned very well between flights, so the seats and the tables might be pretty dirty. Don’t use clothes that are difficult to put on and take off. The bathrooms on planes are really small, and if you’re wearing overalls, you’ll have a hard time.

8. Have markings on your luggage.

In a hurry, travelers often pick up someone else’s luggage. To avoid such problems, put a bright ribbon on the bag to make it different from all the other black and dark blue bags.

9. Bring adhesive tape or band-aids with you wherever you go.

Aside from the obvious reasons, adhesive tape or band-aids can come in handy in various unplanned scenarios. You can use them to baby-proof your hotel room in case you end up in one that’s not child-friendly. Simply covering power outlets with a couple of strips can prevent accidents. You can also easily eliminate any annoying lights in your surroundings by just taping them off.


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