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After deciding to take a stand against conventional beauty standards, one man has revealed the remarkable results of his decision to undergo eye plastic surgery and remove facial fillers. The transformative process, which was shared on social media platforms, has captured the attention of countless people. They were left stunned by the drastic change.
David Kosir was determined to get the perfect look, and he went all out with plastic surgery. He first started using fillers in 2019, and it turned into a full-on obsession. He traveled the world to find the perfect look, and each procedure made him look a bit different.
May 2021 was a big deal for him because he had his first permanent procedure. He’s been obsessed with the idea of having a “human, male Barbie doll look, like Ken” because he’s all about that “plastic, fake” aesthetic — he thinks it’s the ultimate in beauty. His story is a great example of how far people will go to get the look they want.
David Kosir went all out to get his look just right, spending a pretty penny on all kinds of beauty treatments. He spent $100,000 on plastic surgery, like getting 14 milliliters of lip filler for $7,500, doing monthly freckle laser removal sessions for $1,200, and getting 10 milliliters of cheek filler for $7,000.
He also got a nose job for $13,000 and spent $33,000 on teeth veneers and crowns. He says he’s constantly inspired by all the images of enhanced people he sees on social media.
Last year, David Kosir, who’s famous online as @plasticbotchedboy, made headlines when he uploaded a video with the caption “removed all my facial filler.” The video, which shows a dramatic before-and-after transformation, quickly went viral, racking up a mind-boggling 22 million views.
People were amazed by how different he looked and had a lot of positive comments in the comments section. People were saying things like “The best thing he could have done,” “He looks so much better without it; it looked funky before,” and “You instantly look younger, so much more youthful!” It’s clear that people are really into the idea of reversing cosmetic enhancements.
After getting his fillers out, David Kosir went under the knife for a bunch of cosmetic procedures, like cat eyes, a cheek lift, a lip lift, and facial fat transfer, just to name a few. The initial aftermath of these surgeries presented a dramatically altered appearance, prompting widespread speculation and concern among viewers.
A video that went viral showed his swollen face after surgery, making people question how well the procedures had gone. But as time went on, Kosir showed off the amazing results of his transformation, showing off his healed and refined features. People really praised the change, saying stuff like, “You know what, I didn’t trust the process at first....but now that you’re healed, you look gorgeous” flooding in.
Facial plastic surgery may conjure up images of subtle tweaks, but the story behind one man’s love affair with Britney Spears goes far beyond that. It takes physical transformation to a whole new level. See how one man spent over $100,000 on plastic surgery to become Britney Spears. The pictures speak for themselves!