Now his looks match his nasty personality
“Another Star With Far Too Many Fillers.” Tom Cruise Doesn’t Resemble Himself in the New Photos
In 2021, Tom Cruise’s face became the topic of global discussion, with many suspecting him of excessive involvement in plastic surgery. Over time, the actor’s appearance returned to its previous state. However, a recent appearance of Tom has sparked a new wave of rumors about surgical intervention.

During his most recent public appearance, the movie star showcased longer, flowing locks as he smiled for photographs alongside the Prince of Wales. As soon as the photos from the evening were shared by the media, the internet was flooded with comments regarding Cruise’s ’’unrecognizable’’ appearance.

looks like an aging jewish used car sales person from brooklyn.
Many fans were quick to praise the star and come to his defense. One person wrote, ’’He still looks better than 80% of men his age,’’ while another commented, ’’Do any of us look the same after 40 years? I sure don’t.’’

Time has caught up to him? or maybe he can't get any Adrenochrome? He has aged slowly for years but in Dead Reckoning he looked much older than he did in Maverick.
In 2021, the actor appeared in public with a changed, slightly swollen face. His photos went viral, and people began discussing the actor’s altered appearance. Some speculated that cosmetic procedures were to blame, while others even suspected that the person in the photos wasn’t Tom Cruise himself but rather his doppelgänger.
The actor reappeared a month later, and his face looked as it did before. Tom once again resembled his usual self and made no comments regarding his appearance. Almost three years later, the actor’s face became the subject of online discussions once again.
While many believe that the actor is aging gracefully, others speculate that he has undergone surgeries and fillers, attributing them to his current appearance. One person noted, “Too much surgery, fillers, Botox, hair transplant, etc...not a good look.” Another person gave their opinion, saying, ’’Another star with far too many fillers.’’
In any case, we agree that Tom Cruise looks fantastic and much younger than his age. And like these stars, many people, including celebrities, undergo changes over time.
Where are Tom Cruise's longer flowing locks? It looks like his usual $5 haircut at Fantastic Sam's.

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