Demi Moore Reveals That She Couldn’t Handle Bruce Willis’ CONTROLLING BEHAVIOR Anymore

year ago

In Hollywood, Bruce Willis and Demi Moore once reigned as the most sought-after couple. Their union was adorned with success and blessed with a beautiful family. Nonetheless, in 2000, after a 13-year marriage, their relationship unexpectedly came to an end. Contrary to popular perception, their marital journey was not without its flaws and challenges, dispelling the notion of an idyllic union.

It was love at first sight

In the year 1987, fate intervened when Bruce Willis and Demi Moore crossed paths during a movie premiere. To everyone’s surprise, they swiftly embarked on the journey of matrimony a mere few months later. Demi recollects, “He said, ’I think we should get married.’ We’d been joking about it, but suddenly it didn’t seem like he was kidding.”

Demi revealed a lot of aspects of her life in her book

In her 2019 memoir, Inside Out, Demi Moore candidly shared her personal struggles, childhood, and relationships, including her marriage to Bruce Willis. She revealed some details about their love story, like how they started dating and got married.

Demi and Bruce quickly became a family

The affection between Moore and Bruce was undeniable. Their shared desire to build a family led to a swift conception, with Demi becoming pregnant merely four months after their wedding, even on their wedding night. Their union blossomed further with the arrival of their three cherished daughters — Rumer, Scout, and Tallulah. In due course, once Demi regained her pre-pregnancy physique, she eagerly returned to work, resolute in her pursuit of a thriving career.

He was controlling towards her

Moore was ready to return to the big screen, but Bruce had a different opinion. He wanted her to stay home and be a full-time mom, saying, “This is never going to work if you’re off shooting a film.” Despite his wishes, Moore landed several gigs and started working again. Demi says she was tormented — he was too “controlling” and she was “rebellious.”

She tried to make things work


Bruce presented challenges by asserting that juggling both career and parenthood was a difficult task. Moore made valiant efforts to strike a balance, even bringing her daughter along during the filming of We’re No Angels and flexibly adapting her schedule to accommodate her husband’s needs.

Nevertheless, Bruce ultimately reached a point where he no longer desired to be in the marriage. The attention Moore garnered became overwhelming for him, leading to this decision. Demi herself said that “he wanted to do whatever he wanted to do.”

She was suspicious that he was cheating

Reflecting on the past, the actress recalls that Bruce sought the stability of a family and a sense of rootedness, yet he also yearned for thrill and fresh experiences. Essentially, he desired the freedom to indulge in his desires. Considering his age of 36, coupled with fame and wealth, the outcome becomes apparent.

Moreover, it seemed that his desires extended to engaging in intimate relationships with other women. Demi Moore held suspicions that Bruce Willis was being unfaithful, specifically with January Jones.

They are better off as friends

They had been spending a lot of time apart due to their jobs, which went against Willis’s rule of not working at the same time. Friends close to them revealed that the demands of work, coupled with extended periods of filming in different parts of the world, put a strain on their marriage.

Bruce says, “Our friendship continues. The institution has been set aside.”

Sometimes relationships don’t last and people end up divorced, like in the case of Kevin Costner. Elizabeth Taylor was famous for having been married 8 times to 7 different men.

Preview photo credit ASSOCIATED PRESS/East News, demimoore / Instagram


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