Hailey Bieber Posted Her Belly Photos, but People Noticed Other Detail

5 months ago

When Justin Bieber and his wife recently shared the news that they’re going to have a baby, everyone started paying close attention to their lives. So, when Hailey posted a picture showing her belly, people were eager to comment on it. Everyone’s excited to see how this new chapter unfolds for the couple.

Some time earlier Hailey revealed why she was not ready to have kids.

The Rhode founder didn’t hold back when it came to sharing her thoughts on expanding her family with her husband, Justin Bieber. In a refreshingly honest conversation, she opened up about her concerns over the idea of subjecting their future kids to the intense gaze of public scrutiny.

“I literally cry about this all the time! I want kids so bad but I get scared. It’s enough that people say things about my husband or my friends. I can’t imagine having to confront people saying things about a child,” she shared.

Hailey explained that while she once wanted to become a parent at a very young age, her perspective has changed over time. Currently, she believes it’s more beneficial to focus on personal growth and postpone starting a family for a little while longer.

“I think ideally in the next couple of years we would try. But there’s a reason they call it try, right? You don’t know how long that process is ever going to take,” she shared.

And now she shares her adorable pregnant belly.

In the pictures Hailey recently posted on her social media, she was captured gently touching her growing belly. Fans quickly flooded in with congratulations and compliments. “That’s what’s called a pregnancy glow,” one user wrote. “I still can’t believe this is happening. You look GORGEOUS! I already love this baby so much,” another follower added.

Lots of fans took a guess at whether Hailey is having a boy or a girl. “It’s a boy!” one person commented, adding a blue heart emoji. “Whoever thinks it’s a girl, give a like,” another one suggested.

As followers showered Hailey with congratulations, many also spotted an intriguing detail in the other photos in that post. “Everyone’s talking about the bump, but I want to know what the product is in her pocket,” some fan wrote. “So glad someone noticed; I thought I was the only one,” answered another one.

It seems like a lot of people were intrigued by the mysterious item spotted in the supermodel’s pocket. “It’s the new Rhode blush,” someone suggested. “I’ve noticed she’s been teasing it for a while! I can’t wait,” another person added.

Celebrities have a knack for showcasing their pregnancies in distinctive ways, and we’re always thrilled for them as they embark on one of the most exciting experience and period of their lives.


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