Hilary Swank, 48, Welcomed Twins and We Couldn’t Be Happier for Her

year ago

Hilary Swank made headlines when she announced that she was expecting twins with her husband, Philip Schneider. The couple met on a blind date that was set up by one of Swank’s co-stars, and they have been happily married for several years. In 2022, she shared the exciting news of her pregnancy with her fans, who were thrilled to hear that the Million Dollar Baby star would soon be a mom. The arrival of Swank’s twins was highly anticipated, and she couldn’t wait to share the news with her community of followers.

Both Swank and Scheider have twins in their lineage.

The occurrence of identical twins, which happens in around 1 in every 250 pregnancies, is still a mystery to this day. Although not hereditary, some factors can increase the chances of having non-identical twins. For instance, Nigerians have a higher likelihood of having twins than Japanese people.

Furthermore, women over the age of 35 who are pregnant have an increased chance of having non-identical twins because they are more likely to release multiple eggs during ovulation. In the case of Hilary Swank, the odds of her having twins were higher than average because both her grandmother and her husband’s grandmother were twins.

Hilary was never in a rush to become a mother.

Nearly two decades ago, the actress expressed her desire to have children, a longing she had since she was a young girl. She stated, “I adore children, and it’s something that is important for me to experience someday when the timing is right.” In 2023, that long-awaited time has finally arrived.

Before getting pregnant, she suffered a painful loss.

During her father’s battle with lung transplant rejection, Swank took on the role of his sole caregiver. She accompanied him to his medical appointments and provided support for his daily activities. What began as a one-year commitment turned into a two-year journey, and five years later, her father made a full recovery.

In October 2021, Swank’s father passed away, leaving a deep void in her life. One year later, during an emotional appearance on Drew Barrymore’s show, she revealed that her twins were due on her late father’s anniversary, April 16th.

Those years spent caring for her father had a profound impact on Swank’s life. She spoke about growing incredibly close to him during that time, deepening their relationship and cherishing every moment they had together. Even though he is no longer with her, her father will always hold a special place in her heart, and she misses him dearly every day.

The couple’s babies arrived one week earlier than expected.

Babies have a way of following their own schedules, and they know precisely when it’s time for their grand arrival. Hilary recently shared a heartwarming photo of herself holding her fraternal twins, one on each shoulder. She captioned the image with a touching sentiment, “It wasn’t an easy journey, but the joy of holding my boy and girl makes it all worthwhile. Posting from pure heaven.”


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