I Revealed a Shocking Truth About My Fiancé and His Mom and Now Want To Cancel the Wedding

2 months ago

Pamela wrote to us about a very sad situation she found herself in. Instead of enjoying the pre-wedding preparations and her fiancé, she learned a terrible truth about him. Pamela accidentally overheard his conversation with his mother and is now determined to cancel the wedding.

She wrote in her letter:

We decided to find out what people think about this situation. Everyone unanimously advises Pamela to cancel the wedding immediately.

  • Wait until the wedding day and when it comes for your time to say your vows say in his language". I wouldn’t marry you if you were the last living creature in the planet, go back to your precious Maman and let her choose a woman for you that she will be happy with, aurevoir." © Elaine Saunders / Facebook
  • If the money is none refundable, have a big freedom party instead of a fake wedding and tell him why in his native language. The look on their faces should lessen the hurt you are feeling right now. © Jill E Tanser / Facebook
  • Dump him at the altar, call his mom up and tell them both in French you are on to their plot, and you aren’t marrying him or them, then tell everyone in English. Be sure you tell your parents, close family and friends beforehand so they can all applaud. I would publish it in newspapers, making sure his name got out there so other women know about him. As you have a week, you can cancel many of the things and just lose your deposit. If you made the honeymoon reservations and have the tickets take a friend and enjoy, if he has them tell him to take his mother. © Cate Adlam / Facebook
  • You know his true feelings for you now. The choice is yours, marry a man who you know only wants your money, or tell this man to get away. If you decide to marry him, present him with a prenup and see his reaction. Then cancel the wedding! © Hilary Howell / Facebook
  • You don’t need advice, he’s wedding is off. It was over the minute you realized he didn’t love you and was only there for the money. The complications of ending a wedding is simpler than ending a marriage. © Lucinda Lockwood / Facebook

Unfortunately, people sometimes commit such acts for the sake of money. Here is the story of another woman who discovered that her husband married her for financial gain.

Preview photo credit Andrea Piacquadio / Pexels


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