12 People Whose Christmas Was Packed with Surprising Plot Twists

Betrayal by a spouse, divorce, and property division are incredibly challenging times that require a long recovery. However, sometimes the divorce is not the end. A woman shared her story on Reddit about her ex-husband, who left four years ago in search of a younger wife, now wanting to come back because he is diagnosed with cancer and wishes his ex-wife to take care of him.
My ex-husband and I had 3 children (25F, 23F and 22M). We separated 4 years ago after he said he was tired of seeing my old face every day and wanted to find someone younger (his words to my face when asking for divorce). The divorce was a mess, he tried in every way to take everything I had, and I even had to take on half of his debts. Long story short, I never talked to him again face to face, and we only talk through lawyers when it’s something about our children.
Months ago, from my children, I found out that he was diagnosed with cancer, and it is in an advanced stage. I didn’t say anything more about it, because any topic related to him doesn’t appeal to me, but I decided to support my children and stay by their side.
Yesterday, my 3 children (all live with me) sat down with me telling me that their father could no longer work (chemo + cancer) and wouldn’t be able to stay in his current home, so he had nowhere to live, and they would like for him to live here in these last stages. I immediately said no and that I felt offended that I had even been asked that question, knowing how much he and I dislike each other.
They started to argue, saying that our house was his last option, because his relatives couldn’t, and they didn’t want to leave their father without a home and that I should think about them. I asked who would take care of him when things got worse, because all three of them work outside the home and I work from home, or who would cover all of his financial and medical expenses. They didn’t know how to answer and that they would decide between the 3 of them to help their father and not be so burdensome for me and that the 3 of them were willing to let their father live in our house.
I said that despite valuing their opinion on any other matter in the house, this matter is my decision alone, and it remains no. They called me heartless and said that they are just trying to give their father a place to live, not my ex-husband. And I was being petty about all the things he did and not thinking about them.
They’re still pressuring me to change my mind, especially with their father only having 15 more days in his house, but I can’t feel anything other than offended that they asked that, knowing how much the divorce messed with me (depression and anxiety). My ex got in touch on my personal number, asking to rethink and leave the past behind just in these last moments. Funny that he asked me, but not his exes much younger than me.
Dealing with ex-partners is always challenging, especially when there are shared children involved. Here’s a compilation of stories about difficult exes.