After Realizing How Much I Make, My Husband Vented His Fury on My Teenage Daughter

Losing a loved one is an immense loss that’s hard to bear. But this woman faced an even greater turmoil: after her husband’s death, she uncovered a truth about him that she wished she had never known.
My husband passed away almost three years ago, leaving me a solo mom of an 8-year-old. I’ve learned a lot about who he really was since then. Let’s just say that if he were alive, we wouldn’t still be married.
About six weeks ago, a process server showed up trying to serve him with a court order to submit DNA for a kid. I gave him a copy of the death certificate and sent him on his way.
Shortly after that, a woman showed up on my doorstep saying that the kid she had with her was my late husband’s child. Is it? I don’t know and I don’t care. It kind of looks like him, but also looks young enough that they would have had to have been conceived very, very shortly before his death.
I told her that he was gone and where she could find his grave. She almost immediately started demanding “her half” of his estate. I laughed and told her that half of nothing was nothing, and she was welcome to that.
Where I’ve been informed that I might be a jerk is that while it’s true there was no estate, there were assets that passed outside of probate. One of those assets was a rental property that his parents gave us years ago, deeded with him and me as joint tenants with rights of survivorship. In short, it became mine when he died.
I’ve already sold it and that will be the money that sends my kid to college. Legally, I’m good (already talked to my attorney about this). While I feel bad for this child, I also have a child of my own to look out for.
Here’s another story from a woman who also became a widow. However, life threw her such an unexpected twist that you couldn’t make it up if you tried.