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The constant movements of pupils and staff members at Trident Technical College in South Carolina didn’t go unnoticed by a small feathered resident residing in a campus tree. It’s possible that this is why, when he recently experienced a problem, he appeared to understand precisely where to seek assistance.
In late March, 2023, the school’s employees at Trident Technical College were carrying out their tasks when they abruptly became aware of being under observation.
As they were near a building’s entrance, they became aware of a pair of big eyes intensely staring at them. They soon discovered that the eyes belonged to a baby owl, who appeared to be in a difficult situation. A spokesperson for Trident Technical College said in an interview that the bird had fallen out of its nest. And it seemed to be requesting help, as he was unable to return to his nest on his own.
Thankfully, a personnel member managed to retrieve the stranded owl, swaddling him in a jacket. Subsequently, he was transported to the Center for Birds of Prey, where he was examined by animal specialists. However, he wouldn’t be staying there for an extended period. After a thorough evaluation, which confirmed the bird’s excellent health, the authorities decided that he should go back home. In this case the tree where he originally fell from.
“He was returned to campus to reunite with his family,” the spokesperson shared the good news. “Volunteers kept an eye on him the first week to ensure everything was OK.”
While the welfare of a single bird may appear insignificant to certain people, the recovery and rehabilitation of this owl have won over the hearts of the college’s students and staff members alike. “The whole campus has fallen in love with the owlet,” stated the spokesperson.