Ranking the Top Handsome Royals Who Steal Our Breath Away

7 months ago

Let’s delve into the world of dashing and regal gentlemen who grace the royal courts. These captivating princes prove that fairy tales aren’t the only place to find charming heartthrobs. From Europe to Asia, here are some of the most handsome and stylish royal men who can make anyone swoon.

18. Hussein, Crown Prince of Jordan

17. Pavlos, Crown Prince of Greece

16. Prince Wenzeslaus of Liechtenstein

15. David Oyelowo, Nigerian Prince from the Awe Kingdom

14. Prince Philippos of Greece and Denmark

13. Frederik, Crown Prince of Denmark

12. Hamdan bin Mohammed Al Maktoum, Crown Prince of Dubai

11. Guillaume, Hereditary Grand Duke of Luxembourg


10. Felipe VI, King of Spain

9. Haakon, Crown Prince of Norway

8. Andrea Casiraghi, Monaco

7. William, Prince of Wales

6. Prince Félix of Luxembourg

AP / East News

5. Pierre Casiraghi, Monaco

4. Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex

2. Prince Amedeo of Belgium

1. Prince Carl Philip, Duke of Värmland

Johan Valkonen / DDP Images / East News

But wait, our adventure through royal charm is just the beginning. Join us next time as we delve into the timeless elegance and allure of the most stunning women to have graced our history.

Preview photo credit faz3 / Instagram, Geoffrey Robinson / Alamy Stock Photo, LINGTREN.COM / Shutterstock.com, Johan Valkonen / DDP Images / East News


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