The Story of Liv Tyler who Accidentally Discovered her Biological Father While Attending a Concert

7 months ago

Sometimes, family dramas are so intense that they might as well be turned into a TV series. Such was the case with Liv Tyler, an actress who discovered that her biological father was a rock musician. Here’s the story of the girl and her two fathers.

The beginning of a family

Liv Tyler, now a renowned actress, was originally named Liv Rundgren at birth. Her mother, Bebe Buell, was an illustrious model and singer who dazzled the world in the 1970s. Bebe had a tumultuous relationship with Todd Rundgren, a core member of the band Utopia.

However, as fate would have it, in 1976 Bebe crossed paths with Steven Tyler, the iconic frontman of Aerosmith, and the two shared a fleeting romantic episode.

Even after the turbulence in their relationship, Todd embraced the role of being Liv’s father, bestowing upon her his surname. He took on the mantle with dedication, striving to be the father figure Liv needed. Bebe once revealed in a candid chat that she and Todd had an understanding: he’d shoulder the paternal role for Liv, and any mysteries about her real father would be unravelled only when Liv reached 18.

Looking back, Liv expressed her heartfelt gratitude, saying, that she is “very grateful to Todd for deciding to be a father figure to me. It’s a big responsibility for a man to say, ’I know this baby may not be mine, but I want to be her father anyway.’”

The discovery of her relation to Steven Tyler

Liv didn’t have to wait until adulthood to uncover her real lineage. At just 8 years old, her intuition guided her towards an unexpected revelation. While attending a concert of a renowned singer, young Liv stumbled upon a face she couldn’t ignore: Mia Tyler, Steven’s other daughter, looked astonishingly like her. Recounting the experience, Liv mused,"I was looking at my twin“.

Upon encountering her biological father, a deep, almost inexplicable bond tugged at her heartstrings. She admitted, she felt “a very deep connection when I met him as a child and at first I didn’t know why, but I figured it out pretty quickly.”

After the concert, the young girl shared her suspicions with her mother, who confirmed what little Liv had already guessed. Her mother explained that they had decided to hide the truth because they feared Steven wouldn’t be consistently present in the girl’s life.

The new relationship with his biological father


When Steven admitted the truth, he embarked on a journey to bond with his daughter. As they spent quality moments together, something unexpected emerged. Liv realized that their similarities went beyond mere blood ties. Their shared quirks and behaviors were uncannily alike, despite her not growing up with her father by her side.

Adhemar Sburlati / Broadimage / EAST NEWS

During a chat with the media, the actress revealed: “When I found out that Steven was my dad, it was a moment of great importance, it was almost spiritual.” Their bond deepened over the years, and in 1991, she chose to adopt his surname, becoming Liv Tyler. Interestingly, she later graced an Aerosmith music video, “Crazy,” showcasing their unique father-daughter dynamic.

Her affection for her adoptive father did not change.

Embracing Steven didn’t diminish her affection and reverence for Todd, her other father figure. Speaking to Wonderland Magazine, Liv said that she felt “very grateful to Todd, I have so much love for him. When he hugs me, I feel like he’s my dad.”

Indeed, Liv Tyler’s upbringing reads like a script from a heartwarming film, blessed with two wonderful fathers, both showering her with unparalleled love and support that any child would yearn for.

In the glamorous world of showbiz, there are many commendable fathers. One standout is Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson. Here are a few pieces of evidence.

Preview photo credit misslivalittle / Instagram, Adhemar Sburlati / Broadimage / EAST NEWS


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