Dad Kicked Me Out after He Found Out I’m Not His Biological Child

Have you ever wondered why you seem to have certain quirks, traits, or abilities that are completely different from your family members? Well, it turns out that some of these traits may have been inherited from only one parent-either your mom or your dad. So forget the classic nature versus nurture debate for a moment and let's dive into the fascinating world of genetics.
Certain eye conditions, such as color blindness, can be inherited from the mother. This is particularly true for sons, as the gene responsible for color blindness is located on the X chromosome.
Are you familiar with the phrase "he's as tall as his father"? Apparently, science supports this statement. A person's height is determined by at least 700 genetic variations inherited from both parents. However, each parent's height gene seems to work in a slightly different way. For example, the father's genes are important in stimulating growth and, therefore height.
How you sleep may also be inherited from where you grew up. One study found that mothers are more likely than fathers to pass on their circadian rhythms (the natural cycles of sleep and wakefulness) to their children. This means that if your mom is a night owl or an early bird, you may turn out to be one as well.
Even if the mother has great teeth, if the father has poor dental health, the child is likely to visit the dentist more often than his peers. The father's mouth can be the source of everything from cavities to tooth decay and all the dental problems in between.
The brain's corticolimbic system, which regulates emotions and has been linked to mood disorders, is more likely to be passed from mother to daughter than from mother to son or father to child, according to a study published in The Journal of Neuroscience.
Fathers are 100% responsible for newborn sex. The sex of the child is determined by the X and Y chromosomes, commonly known as the sex chromosomes. Girls inherit an X chromosome from their father, resulting in an XX genotype, and males inherit a Y chromosome from their father, resulting in an XY genotype. Fathers have complete control over sex because mothers only pass on X chromosomes.
Dimples are a sign of beauty and attractiveness in many cultures. However, scientists describe dimples as a defect caused by shortening of facial muscles. Dimples are thought to be inherited because they are a dominant genetic trait and are more likely to be inherited from the father.
Because fingerprints are unique patterns, no two fingerprints are exactly alike. But the fingerprints of a baby can resemble those of its father! Fingerprint patterns are genetic traits inherited.
Blood type can be inherited from either parent, but certain combinations can lead to traits that are more likely to be passed down from the father, especially in determining the Rh factor.
Traits like facial structure, body shape, and even certain skin conditions can be influenced by maternal genetics. For instance, the shape of your nose or the fullness of your lips may reflect your mother's features.
Many of us know at least one person who sneezes uncontrollably when staring at the sun or other bright lights. Well, this is another genetic trait for which the father is responsible. This condition is known as Achoo Syndrome and is more likely to be passed down on the father’s side.
Genetics shape more than just our looks and personality—they can even hint at hidden health clues. In fact, your face might be revealing more than you think. From subtle color changes to tiny shifts in symmetry, here are six facial signs that could indicate serious health conditions. Read more!