15 People Whose Luck Came Back From Vacation and Hugged Them Tight

year ago

We may sometimes experience days when everything goes absolutely wrong, even the things we habitually do every day start being a huge mess. We may feel like our luck took a vacation and decided to take a rest from us for a while. But there are days when we feel like the chosen ones, because we’re showered by good surprises from the universe. Our today’s heroes are people who know for sure what it means when your luck is in its best mood.

We never know what life holds for us, so we at Now I’ve Seen Everything appreciate it when people choose to share their unpredictable lucky moments with us.

1. “My cousin was celebrating her eighteenth birthday at a restaurant, and by chance ran into the doctor who delivered her as a baby.”

2. “15 years ago, my dad lost his wedding ring and assumed that someone took it. Today, he was planting bamboo and found something shiny in the dirt.”

3. “I put a magnifying plate up to my son’s face and it is just magnificent”

4. “My friend has been mistaken for Ed Sheeran many times, and coincidentally, they met in South Africa.”

5. “I met him on Reddit 8 years ago. Moved to Sweden to be with him 7 years ago. At midnight on New Year’s, he proposed!”

6. “On a cruise and left some things on my bed. I came back to this.”

7. “I was at a wedding and met a woman with the same wrist tattoos as me.”

8. “I got adopted by this grandma right on the train.”

Emily (the girl in the photo) was on her way to surprise her boyfriend in Austin for the holidays. On the plane, she was sitting next to a lovely lady, with whom she instantly became friends. They exchanged phone numbers and promised to stay in touch in honor of their incredibly unexpected meeting.

They haven’t stopped chatting and updating one another on their lives ever since; Grammy Carey (as Emily refers to her) even sent her a necklace inscribed with the words “I watch over you” at Emily’s house. Emily earned a forever grandmother thanks to a common journey.

9. “I accidentally kissed a dog at work today.”

10. “I painted a portrait of my parents for Christmas. They were coincidentally wearing the outfits I painted them in!”

11. “This art completes me.”

12. “Tried making an Easter egg, but I think I accidentally created a tiny universe instead.”

13. “A strawberry that blossomed a flower.”

14. “My Pop-Pop has Alzheimer’s, but he loves my Grammie. He mistakenly told the server today was her birthday.”

15. “Sat next to a video game animator on a train journey. He drew my daughter. He kept her entertained.”

Have you ever encountered anything unexpected that absolutely turned your day around?

Preview photo credit AhChooodle / Imgur


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