20 Dogs Who Love to Rock Their Upside Down Face

year ago

Breed doesn’t influence dogs’ personality traits as much as it was previously thought, claims recent research. This means that a Pitbull can be just as goofy as a Golden Retriever, for example, and that includes enjoying time upside down. In fact, Reddit is filled with photographic evidence of doggos of all sorts giving us their ultimate silly face.

Now I’ve Seen Everything rounded up amusing pics of good boys and girls that never miss an opportunity to test gravity. Good luck keeping a big grin out of your own face!

1. Too much gravity for one Hummer. Interesting how this pup looks like he’s right side up.

2. “My dog is the world’s cutest gremlin. He is super lazy though.”

3. “Dexter’s new thing is laying under the coffee table and just staring at us like this until we give him attention.”

4. “Showing you her teeffs. I love it when they do this. And she does this all the time because she loves belly rubs.”

5. “We’ve had Simon for three weeks now and it seems his default state is upside down.”

6. “This is a great pic. There are just so many things you could say about this.”

7. The best doggos are the ones with a sparkle in their eye, a wink when you walk by, or a toothless smile saying you are doing just fine.

8. “Really changes the perspective. But I’m sure this dog’s a big sweetie.”

9. “Lycia sleeps upside down with her legs on the door.”

10. Please don’t flip cute pictures like that.

11. “In a dream, I rule my life. Sleeping beauty is my wife.”

12. Lying upside down and charming everyone around him.

13. Vampire doggo. What sweet sorcery this is.

14. “Here’s my dog, Bandit”

15. “If you take out the background, he is a flying doggo.”

16. “The face my dog makes. The neck rolls are glorious.”

17. Just turning the world on its head to have the best view and a myriad of new feelings and emotions.

18. “When you turn the picture upside down, your dog looks like she’s smiling for her school picture.”

19. It’s taking “turn that frown upside down” into a completely new level.

20. “Smiles for my human. Very photogenic.”

What was the last time any pet made you laugh out loud? Do you have any photos, so you can share these bright emotions with us all?

Preview photo credit grossica / Reddit, orocodex / Reddit


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