15 Men Whose Favorite Job Is to Be a Dad

year ago

Dads are our knights, role models, and best friends. You don’t need any special occasion to remember everything they’ve done for you, hug them, and say “thank you” — no matter how close you are now.

Now I’ve Seen Everything can’t help but share these cute and heart-warming stories with you that were told by internet users. They’re just amazing.

1. “Then and now.”

2. “Ran into these two at Target. Parenting done right.”

3. When you’re incredibly happy:

4. “After a long day of work, this Dad still knows what his real job is.”

5. “My son and my dad hadn’t seen each other in quite a while. They both couldn’t stop smiling.”

6. “This is how my kid asks to watch cartoons in the morning.”

7. “My dad holding a 3-week-old baby goat”

8. “My friend and his dad dressed up as each other for Halloween.”

9. “Single dad here, just wanted to share a picture of my two best friends”

10. “My dad and my boyfriend have the biggest bromance going. They’ve even coordinated their Facebook profile pictures.”

11. The difference between parents

12. It’s always a pleasure to bathe with dad.

13. “I’d rather carry around these extra 100 lbs (on the right.)”

14. The way they “care” can be different.

15. “In kindergarten my son was told to draw something he wanted, and he drew this. The psychologist was really worried. Only at home, my son said he drew his favorite meatballs I always made.”

Are your dads heroes for you? Share the most remarkable memories with us that you have connected with them.

Preview photo credit Youk****f / Imgur


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