8 Laundry Secrets No One Ever Talked to You About

Our lives are defined by a lot of factors like behavior, personality, character, and whatnot. But one of the most overlooked aspects is our habits. What we subtly do outside of patterns and practice also determines our quality of life. Sometimes we are not conscious of a few bad habits that may seem harmless but they can really impact us in the long run. We believe that it’s time we nipped those routines in the bud and began improving our lives by changing one bad habit at a time. Read on to find out more.
Spitting may seem gross, especially when done in public. But if you’re jogging, it can actually help you breathe easier. If you’re more in the latter, then you may notice your mouth producing more saliva or mucus when you’re running. This may also cause you to spit more during the training as compared to the time you aren’t. This is because your body is in motion, and more saliva or mucus is produced, so more needs to get rid of.
Many people think that vitamin C can keep their immune from catching a cold or that biologically active additives (BAAs) can fully replace a professional treatment plan. While this is not entirely truth, the FDA believes that some foods and dietary supplements can actually help with preventing people from getting sick.
If you have a balanced diet, it’s pointless for you to also take vitamins since you already receive the necessary quantity of them from your food. Additional vitamins are recommended for people with a vitamin deficiency.
Biologically active additives are used as a source of active substances if your body lacks them. Of course, it’s good that we restore the balance of the substances we are lacking, but you should understand that BAAs are not medicine.
It’s almost an involuntary movement to open up the shower curtain after a shower, dry off, and hang up your wet towel. Unfortunately, this is quite an unsanitary habit. Bacteria can easily multiply in the wet creases of the towel and mold can grow in the folds of the gathered-up shower curtain.
This is why it’s better to let your wet towels dry unfolded and to stretch out your shower curtain until it dries.
This piece of advice may sound quite strange now that we use our phones for almost everything we do — especially when it comes to taking photos. However, the results of the study of Linda Henkel from Fairfield University have ascertained that trying to capture everything on your camera will actually make you miss a lot of important details.
The problem is that when you take a photo, your attention is focused on the photo itself instead of what you are shooting. As a result, you will have a memorable photo or a video but your real impressions will be quite dull.
During the experiment, undergraduate students were told to take a stroll around a museum and take notes or photos of objects they liked. The next day, their memory of these objects was tested.
A charging phone under a pillow can result in a fire. The problem is that a charging phone can get hot. Despite the fact that newer cell phone models have improved, there are still smartphones with batteries that can significantly increase the overall temperature. This means that the device or the charger cord can catch fire. If the charging phone is under your pillow, you risk getting hurt.
Newton NH Fire Department warns everyone who cares for their safety to never put a charging phone under a pillow.
Who doesn’t love a big bucket of salty and savory popcorn in front of the big screen? It’s a long-standing tradition to buy soda and some popcorn and watch a movie. But it’s actually quite a harmful habit. The good news is, that it’s not that difficult to quit.
Dentists say that popcorn can damage your teeth. Small particles of popcorn get stuck between your teeth, and they’re very hard to get rid of, even with regular care. Another thing to consider is that movie theater popcorn is very high in fat. Try not ordering popcorn the next time you go to the movies and you may be surprised to notice that a movie without popcorn is just as enjoyable.
Anyone who has ever had a breakout knows the rule: do not pop a pimple.
A pimple emerges when a pore is clogged with excess oil. That’s when the inflammation process begins. If a body is healthy, it sends white blood cells to fight harmful bacteria. That is why this part of the skin turns red. When you pop a pimple, the sides of the pore get damaged. As a result, it becomes even more susceptible to bacteria. Besides, when popping pimples, you risk getting the wound infected if your hands are dirty.
If you are worried about your skin condition, visit a dermatologist. If you almost never break out, use some special topical ointment to zap the zit away.
Passengers like to sit however they’re most comfortable. In many movies, the coolest characters are often filmed sitting in the front seat of the car with their feet up on the dashboard.
The reality is that this position is very dangerous. Apart from this being a horrible position to be in during a car accident, there is also a lesser evil to be aware of — braking. Keeping your feet up at face level means that your face will hit your knees if the car suddenly brakes or stops. The collision of your jaw and your knees can lead to bone fractures and an extremely long and difficult recovery period.
This is why it’s better to forget about this habit and to get comfortable sitting with your back up against the seat, your knees bent in front of you, and your seatbelt across your chest.
Many of us start our day by going to the kitchen and making a cup of coffee before we get to anything else. This is a very common habit throughout the entire world. There’s just one problem — most of us drink a cup of coffee on an empty stomach. Despite the fact that coffee has its benefits, it does have some downsides as well. One of them is that if you drink coffee on an empty stomach, it can cause heartburn and digestion problems.
When you are hungry and think about food, your stomach starts releasing gastric acid. When you drink coffee, it has the same effect on your stomach, except that solid food doesn’t follow. This leads to the release of too much gastric acid which can damage the stomach lining.
Specialists recommend drinking coffee only after eating breakfast or in the middle of the day.
If you’re a car owner, there is a very high probability that you keep a bottle of water inside your car. Whether you hold on to the water bottle for the sake of emergencies or just because you’re trying to increase your water intake, keep in mind that this is a rather dangerous habit — especially in the summer.
The problem is that the water in the bottle acts as a lens and if sunlight reaches it, especially if the bottle is on a dark surface, it can start a fire. The possibility is pretty small, but it still exists. If you don’t want to be a rare case of fire caused by water, take your water bottle with you next time.
You might believe that peeing in the shower is quite environmentally friendly. But this habit may cause your brain to relate running water with the urge to pee. As a result, every time you hear water, it may associate to make you want to pee.