10 Exes You Won’t Believe Actually Existed

7 hours ago

Few people can speak kindly of their ex after a breakup, but even fewer experience sheer horror at the mere mention of their former partner’s name. These 10 individuals, however, encountered such betrayal that they have yet to recover.

  • One day, I discovered a pair of boxers in my drawer that I had never seen before. They were clearly not mine. I decided to ask my girlfriend about it, and she casually replied that she bought them for me and just forgot to mention it. The next day, as I was about to put them on, I noticed a big tag that said, “Mark, I’m yours! With love, Kate!” Kate is my girlfriend, and I’m not Mark.
  • We had gotten a credit card with both our names on it. After we split up, she went to town and ran it up to the limit without paying a dime. They came after me for the money. I told them we were divorced and actually got a helpful lady at the credit card company who said that if I could send a copy of the divorce decree, I would only be responsible for the amount up to that day.
    I sent it in, and my part was less than $100. I paid it, leaving my ex with about $10K to pay. I’m sure she never did. © slo196 / Reddit
  • He told all of our mutual friends that I was “crazy” after I confided in him about my struggles with depression and anxiety. He then told me he wanted to get back together, so I spent the night with him. A few days later, he messaged me and admitted that it was a lie. © nlg93 / Reddit
  • My long-term ex went on a date with her co-worker 4 days after I left. She was in a new relationship within weeks of me leaving. She also stole half of my student loan money, which I justified at the time by thinking she needed it to start over too (I didn’t know about the new relationship).
    I found out later that the whole time we owned a house together, she was seeing this person. © Unknown author / Reddit
  • She started stalking me outside my apartment and following me. Once I confirmed it was her, I called and told her in no uncertain terms that I considered her a threat and would take whatever measures necessary to maintain my safety. She, of course, denied everything but did stop stalking me. © ancrm114d / Reddit
  • I was pregnant, and he wouldn’t get a job, help around the house, or support me at all. On Valentine’s Day, I came home from work early but had to run to my parents’ house for something. We lived 10 minutes apart, so I would have been gone for 30 minutes at most.
    He threw a huge fit about us never spending time together and how I was always at my parents’ house. I was over it and just walked out. He went to his mom’s that night, and I packed up all my stuff in one trip and moved back in with my parents.
    He has met his daughter twice in three years and hasn’t paid child support in months. I haven’t heard a word from him in almost a year. None of his family has ever met my daughter or even expressed interest in wanting to meet her. © bordermelancollie09 / Reddit
  • My ex gave away my dog on Craigslist, so I couldn’t find her. I had two dogs. She claimed one ran away and that she gave the other away on Craigslist. I never found either of them.
    It’s been over ten years, and I still check the humane society for both. © feochampas / Reddit
  • We were together for six years. She cheated, and I caught her. She stormed off, and after a few weeks, asked to come back to pack up her things. She requested that I not be there. I obliged and stayed at a friend’s overnight.
    She stole everything and fled the country. She even took the curtains and the food in the cabinets. The only things left behind were my clothes, left in a pile on the floor. © Itstotallysafe / Reddit
  • My dad had passed away, and I really needed support, so she came over after I found out he had died, and I bawled my eyes out for 45 minutes. When I was finally done, she said, “You cried for 45 minutes.”
    I knew that day that things were not going to last between us. She became more distant after that, as if my struggle was suddenly like, “Nope, not fun for me anymore, so I’m not going to try.”
    I’m currently in a relationship with the best girl I could have ever asked for, and I want to marry her; I might propose to her in a year or two. © MathEnthusiast18 / Reddit
  • The day I went to break up with him, he ’suddenly’ went blind. I brought him to the hospital, and we were there all day. They said they couldn’t find any reason for him to be blind.
    I had said in the past that if he went blind, I wouldn’t leave him, so I speculate that’s why he came up with this plan. He played racing games while blind. He biked to the store while blind, in a big city. He kept this up for a few years before miraculously being able to see again. © Frilledmeg / Reddit
  • She said she was pregnant and sent me a positive test. I searched for positive pregnancy test results on Google Images, and it was the first one to pop up. © SpaceShipET / Reddit
  • My husband started acting strangely. He became obsessively meticulous, yelling at me for leaving my cosmetics in the bathroom or not putting my comb back in the closet. He would constantly move my makeup bag, combs, and even sanitary pads. Tension grew in our relationship. Finally, I managed to find out the truth: all this time, he had been bringing his mistress into our home, and he was worried she might use something of mine and I’d figure out his affair that way. It turned out to be even simpler: they got caught on the front door camera.

Have you ever experienced something similar?
Here’s another collection of stories about unbearable exes.

Preview photo credit Mikhail Nilov / Pexels


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