10 Mothers-in-Law Who Turn Every Family Gathering Into a Show

2 months ago

In-laws can be a source of joy, but they can also bring unexpected challenges, especially when it comes to navigating family dynamics. Some interactions with mothers-in-law leave you speechless, whether it’s unsolicited advice, awkward comments, or boundary-pushing behavior. These shocking stories highlight just how far some MILs will go to impose their own expectations, often leading to tension and confusion.

  • On Christmas morning, we all gathered around the tree at my MIL’s house. She had invited us to spend the day with her, but it soon turned awkward when she handed my husband a wrapped box. Inside was a custom-made sweater that read, “#1 Mom’s Boy.” I couldn’t believe it when she said, “I thought this would look better on you, since we all know who the real woman in his life is.” My husband looked visibly uncomfortable, but before I could even respond, she added, “I just wanted to remind you that, no matter what, I’m always his first love.”
  • My in-laws invited us to go on vacation to visit my husband’s extended family on the other side of the country. We politely declined, telling them that we were planning to visit some really good friends for our vacation that year. My MIL asked if we’d made firm travel plans yet, we said no and that we were waiting for our tax return to buy the plane tickets.
    Her response was, “Then there’s no reason you can’t go with us because we bought your tickets to fly out with us!” She legitimately thought it would be okay for us to change our vacation plans just because they’d purchased our tickets without asking us first. © Unknown author / Reddit
  • My mother-in-law once took my SO’s keys to our house and made copies for herself without telling us. She believes firmly that houses should stay unlocked, so family can walk in and out uninvited as they please. She was not happy when we changed the locks. © Unknown author / Reddit
  • My MIL waited until I went to the bathroom to ask my husband if she could be in the delivery room when our baby was born. She then claimed the timing of her request had nothing to do with me not being present. © HyggeSmalls / Reddit
  • My former mother-in-law was, when we all first met, incredibly narcissistic. The night of our rehearsal dinner, she stood up and said that she wanted to say something (we all assumed she was making a toast). What she actually wanted to do was tell us all that on the Wednesday following our wedding, SHE was getting married (none of us knew she was even dating anyone).
    Then, at our wedding the next day, she wore her wedding dress — a white miniskirt suit. Several of the wedding pictures are somewhat confusing if one didn’t know all of the parties involved. © esk_209 / Reddit
  • My MIL is really lovely, but one bad habit of hers is taking unflattering pictures of people and posting them on her Facebook. She doesn’t ask if she can post them, and she doesn’t tag you. She’ll also go through your old FB pictures, download them, and use them to create collages which she’ll post randomly with a caption like “Look at my beautiful daughter-in-law!”
    The first time I ever met her, she showed me all of my own pictures from Facebook that she’d saved to her PC desktop! She really doesn’t think it’s a problem to do this, no matter how many times we’ve told her it’s inappropriate. © whysweetpea / Reddit
  • A few weeks after our wedding, my mother-in-law finalized a split with my father-in-law and came begging to us for assistance. I paid her legal fees and gave her our second vehicle to get her past the divorce. Since then, she’s been on my cell plan, I’ve paid for half of her Christmas gifts for my wife’s younger siblings, I’ve covered mortgage payments, among other things that I feel like most sons-in-law wouldn’t even consider.
    My wife and I recently celebrated our sixth anniversary and welcomed in our firstborn, but as fate would have it, mommy dearest is as much a dependent today as ever. She’s recently asked for assistance with replacement of her home’s central heating and cooling system and help paying bills, which I told her we were unable to help with due to the expenses we anticipated due to our baby. Now I’m an ungrateful son-in-law, unworthy of her daughter. © Unknown author / Reddit
  • My MIL can never just choose a gift for my husband or children. She has to ask several times, then asks where to buy it, how much, what size, etc. And this isn’t her just being cautious of getting the right gift, she just hasn’t taken the time to know what people like or cannot be bothered to think for herself.
    We tried for several years to say, “Just buy something from you, that you think they might like” and it was always some voucher. Once, she bought a pair of grandpa slippers for my 8-year-old son. Now it’s just easier to tell her exactly what to get and never expect a surprise.
    The worst thing is that she then incessantly messages the gift receiver to see if it has been delivered, have they opened it, did they like it (sometimes even days before the birthday). I spent years suggesting lovely presents for her grandchildren, and then she would take all the credit. Now I usually just tell her the least expensive, least sentimental thing they might have put on their list. © ShadowShell78 / Reddit
  • My mother-in-aw used to stand at the bottom of the stairs and call out to my toddler, who was at the top of the stairs. She did this so many times, even after me asking her not to. © Unknown author / Reddit
  • At Christmas dinner, everything seemed normal until my MIL stood up and announced, “I think it’s time we all make it official. I’m ready for grandkids.” She smiled at me, then at my husband, and gave me a card that read, “The gift of motherhood, something you two should start working on.” I couldn’t believe what I was hearing, and neither could my husband, who quickly excused us both to the other room. I later found out that my MIL had been planning to bring this up for months, and this Christmas was her way of getting the point across.

Here’s a story of a young woman who ended up with an unbearable mother-in-law: her obsession with control went beyond all reasonable limits.

Preview photo credit Moe Magners / Pexels


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