10 Surprising Things You Do Daily That Ruin Your Skin

week ago

Everyone wants to have beautiful skin, and many of us buy expensive creams and follow trendy advice from TikTok. However, the quality of our skin can also be affected by other seemingly harmless things that we often do without thinking.

Tanning to dry up acne

Sun really dries out the skin, but the skin reacts to it by secreting more oil that clogs the pores. Moreover, long exposure to the sun without protection can promote a sun allergy, which causes the appearance of blemishes.

Improperly using facial hair removal products

Improper facial hair removal with comedogenic products that have pore-clogging characteristics can often cause acne breakouts on your face. So, you’re basically swapping out one problem for another.

To make sure you’re correctly clearing out facial hair and preventing further irritations on your skin, avoid products with the most common pore-clogging ingredients (such as coconut oil, palm oil, and wheat germ), stick to non-toxic cosmetics, and try to look for non-comedogenic labels.

Toxins in your makeup remover

Another common cosmetic that can cause pore-clogging and acne breakouts are the toxic ingredients found in your makeup remover. While the makeup products are problematic themselves, the skincare routine that is used to remove the makeup also contributes to skin irritation.

Once again, the solution to this problem would be to use non-comedogenic products. Also, we would suggest washing your face thoroughly when removing your makeup to effectively remove any buildup of makeup, oil, and dirt after a long day.

Sleeping on your stomach

Your pillow absorbs everything, and when you sleep, your face is closely pressed to all the materials on your pillow, which in turn, causes acne breakouts and clogs your pores.

We often drool in our sleep, especially when we sleep on one side of our face, which results in our pores getting clogged and our faces absorbing negative materials that can cause acne outbreaks and skin irritation. To avoid doing this harm to your skin, try sleeping on your back.

Washing with water that’s too hot or cold

When it comes to the health of your skin, the temperature of the water is key. Cold water doesn’t effectively remove all the unnecessary buildup on your skin while hot water is known to irritate and dry out your skin.

The best water temperature for effective skin cleansing would be lukewarm, as it removes the buildup on your skin while preserving healthy oils in the process. Try to find that “sweet spot,” use water with a temperature of around 98ºF to 108ºF (36.5ºC to 40.5ºC).

Allowing your hair products to touch your skin

Many hair products, including your shampoo, conditioner, and other hair styling agents, produce pore-clogging effects on your skin and cause breakouts on your skin, like acne, pimples, and other irritations on your scalp and face. This happens because hair products often consist of sulfates that are known to clog the pores of your skin.

To prevent this, you should consider switching to non-sulfate hair products. Furthermore, for better protection, it’s beneficial to use a sweatband on your forehead and cover your face with a clean towel the next time you use hair products.

Traveling somewhere new

When you’re traveling somewhere new, you’re exposing your skin to a new environment that may be harmful to your skin. Factors such as the effect of the sun, heat, cold, and humidity can contribute to the sudden aggravation of your skin, prompting acne breakouts.

In order to prevent any negative effects that a change in environment can pose on your skin, it’s best to adapt to the new conditions you’re entering. Avoid prolonged skin exposure and use sunscreen, preferably with zinc oxide. And if you’re exposed to cold temperatures, try to avoid skin dehydration by moisturizing your skin.

Eating processed food

High-carbohydrate food, like cakes or burgers, can provoke acne breakouts. Due to its high glycemic index, food rich in carbohydrates may trigger skin irritation since it directly affects blood sugar levels.

To ensure your skin is not negatively affected by a high-carb diet, make sure to cut back on snacks and lean more on high-protein food with more healthy substances, and of course, consume plenty of fruits and vegetables.

Excessively scrubbing your face with a washcloth

When you scrub your face with a washcloth too much, you expose your skin to extra exfoliation that has a negative impact on your complexion.

To make sure you don’t cause any unwanted skin irritation, wash your face with a washcloth 3 to 4 times a week, and minimize the exposure to unnecessary exfoliation.

Washing your face with ice

Ice wiping is not good for everyone because low temperatures can harm the skin. As a result, the blood flow can be disrupted. Additionally, puffiness and spider veins may appear. Moreover, a decrease in the function of the sebaceous glands leads to a loss of elasticity. This procedure should be ignored by those who have dry skin, while others shouldn’t overuse it. There are many facial cosmetic products that have better effects than ice.

Sometimes the body sends us signals asking for help. For example, gluten intolerance can manifest in subtle ways; check yourself here.


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