12 Details That Can Make You Look Messy Even If You’ve Spent a Lot of Money

year ago

It is believed that the first impression of a person is formed within 6-8 seconds, and it can be quite difficult to change it later. That is why it’s important to pay attention to even seemingly insignificant details in our appearance, which can significantly affect it. We have decided to share some life hacks on what nuances to consider in your image to avoid making a bad impression.

Heavy earrings

Heavy earrings can pull down the earlobe, making the piercing more visible. This can create an untidy appearance and can make you look older.


  • You can wear big earrings, but try to opt for lighter ones whenever possible.

Deodorant stains

HAMSTER/bauergriffinonline.com/East News

This one is very easy to miss on yourself, but makes a huge difference, especially if you’re wearing something dark.


  • There are plenty of invisible deodorants on the market, make the switch from a regular one if you haven’t yet.

Not matching or bad foundation,

Evan Agostini/Invision/AP/East News

We’ve all been guilty of foundation not matching our necks, but there are bigger evils lurking on the makeup counters. Some products that contain SPF can make you look white in photos because of their protective ingredients.


  • If you know you’re going to be photographed, opt for chemical sunscreens or foundations that have less SPF than usual. But don’t skip out on sunscreen entirely!

Shoes that don’t properly fit your feet.

DIGITAL/bauergriffinonline.com/East News

We’ve all sacrificed our own comfort for a cute pair of shoes at least once in our lives. Sadly, it’s very noticeable to people around us, plus we become so miserable it’s almost unbearable.


  • Comfort comes first, that’s the rule, don’t ignore it. Think about how the shoes will act in different weather, and take into account whether your feet tend to swell up sometimes.

Foundation stains


It can be incredibly annoying to have our fresh makeup on and put on a cute blouse just to completely ruin both. It’s very easy to miss when you are in a hurry, but it definitely attracts unwanted attention.


  • Invest in a good finishing powder and setting spray. There are many products that make sure your makeup is completely transfer-proof.
  • Another solution is to cover your head with a piece of cloth and put your top over that. Just make sure to not put any foundation below your neck.

Wearing hair ties as bracelets.

Sure, having a hair tie always ready is super functional, but it can look a bit tacky unless it’s a really fancy one. It’s better to skip this habit.


  • Just keep your hair ties in your purse to make sure they’re always around when you need them.

Visible bra straps


Bralettes are very much in fashion right now and are made to peek out of our clothes. However, it’s a completely different conversation when it comes to regular bras. They’re inappropriate in a professional setting and in general make any outfit look less put together.


  • Try different underwear shapes, and don’t be afraid of strapless bras. Brands understand the struggle and make inclusive sizes that provide decent support to all body types for any occasion.
  • If you’re wearing tank tops, opt for the ones with wide and tight-fitting straps.

Sleeves that are way too long.

Excessively long sleeves can make anyone look like a little kid, plus it can be very impractical. And we’re not talking about our favorite comfy sweatshirt. This outfit mistake can catch happen to any top.


  • Look up how to fashionably roll up your sleeves. It makes you look very cool.
  • Turn to a good tailor and get your perfect length.

Worn-out accessories that don’t match.

Hector Vasquez, PacificCoastNews.com / East News

Accessories are meant to complete our outfits and make them stand out. Unfortunately, sometimes they can make everything just look off. We’re not saying you need to match your bag, shoes, and belt, but a common theme is preferable.


  • Pay attention to your accessories’ overall appearance. Faded paint and old leather don’t look cute.

Missed belt loop.

It’s a small mistake, but it will definitely catch an unfriendly judgmental eye.


  • It’s a good idea to get a full-body mirror if you don’t have one already. It’ll definitely prevent you from missing these small details.

Unkempt feet

We might not look at our feet as often as needed. It’s definitely easy to miss and can be detrimental to your look during sandal season.


  • Scrub your feet every 2 days, apply foot cream before going to bed, and you’re good to go!

Matte lipstick

Matte lipstick tends to have excellent staying power on the lips. However, it can emphasize dryness and flakes, especially after a few hours.


  • Exfoliate your lips with a scrub to remove dry skin. Before using lipstick, apply a thin layer of moisturizing balm to keep your lips hydrated.

Everyone wants to look neat and elegant, and our tips can help with that. However, if you also want to look modern, it’s important to know which jewelry styles have gone out of fashion and which ones are trendy.

Preview photo credit Pexfuel.com, DIGITAL/bauergriffinonline.com/East News


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