12 Kids Freaked Out Their Parents by Spilling Eerie Memories

2 months ago

Sometimes kids remember things in a way that’s mixed up because they have such big imaginations. Other times, they tell stories that seem unbelievable, but they really mean it.

  • My daughter used to randomly start crying, and when asked what was wrong, she would say she missed her brother John, genuinely upset. She was an only child at the time. She was maybe 3 years old, and it happened on multiple occasions over about 6 months. © what_the_h***_right / Reddit
  • I am 60 years of age never having biological children but am the proud grandfather of several wonderful children (I am the adopted one). My lady and I have been together for 28years and her children have children now. One day my grandaughter’ around the age of 4 years old’ went to her mother and asked “What happened to Pa Pa’s babies? There was two of them but the’re dead now.” It so happened that long time ago my girlfriend got pregnant. There was an abortion. My girlfriend always said they were twins...I never really believed her...and never argued the point. I think of this a lot now in my old age. © twoliterdietcoke / Reddit
  • My 4-year-old told me during her bath three days ago that when I was a baby, she was my grandpa. My husband and I were both in the room, but my grandfather died when I was very little, younger than she is now. © LadyBratcher / Reddit
  • My mom told me that when I was 3 or 4, I would scream and cry whenever we passed an old blue Volkswagen Bug. I told her, “That was the car I died in.” I also mentioned that it was very hot and that “I had a baby in my belly.” © Surticy / Reddit
  • One of my preschool students: What do you want to do when you’re a kid again?
    Me: Well grown ups don’t become kids again. We grow up and stay grown ups.
    Her: Well I remember when I was a grown up and I drove a car! And now I’m a kid again! © Unknown author / Reddit
  • My father said that when my brother was 3, he said something like, “When I was bigger, I had a pretty girlfriend and we died in a car.” © Unknown author / Reddit
  • My daughter is deathly afraid of fire because “the fire at school killed my sister and my other mom was really sad.” When she started preschool at 3 they had a fire drill and she cried hysterically until it was over and she was convinced there was no fire — I had to go pick her up and on the way home she told me she’s glad they have fire drills so all of the kids don’t die like at her last school. I’m still freaked out. © Efficient_Ease_4768 / Reddit
  • My two-year-old son called me by the same nickname my late grandfather used to call me. The nickname was unique, and I had never told him about it, nor had I ever heard anyone else use it. It only happened once, but it’s enough to make me wonder. © daximuscat / Reddit
  • When my son was around 4, he asked my wife about “the house that you and Grandpa owned together.” They never owned a house together. But when I asked for more information, he replied without hesitation, “You know, the house that was burned down by the volcano.” © dd28064212 / Reddit
  • My 3-year-old, while we were looking out our front window, casually said,"When I was your age, I had a black cat." I asked, “Oh, and what was your cat’s name?” She replied, “He didn’t have a name, but my son’s name was Ira.” She has never heard that name before in her life. © Ermalee / Reddit
  • My younger sister, when she was 3, started talking to my mom about “When I was a big girl, and you were a little girl”. She said she went to my parent’s wedding. She described her old self physically, and my mom says that sounded like my mom’s grandmother Grace. My sister also talked about the “green” house she used to live in at the end of a dirt road and the fact that her mother (my mom’s great grandmother Matilda), died from a snake bite, while they lived there. She described the snake as “pretty” and with the full description my mom thinks she was describing a copperhead. My sister said she killed the snake with a hoe. These discussions always took place at bedtime. One day, we were putting in the garden and my dad was sitting down and sharpening the hoe with a file and suddenly my sister told him he was doing it wrong. He told her to show him how to do it. She put her hands on his and placed them in the correct position, and later he said that she was right, he was doing it wrong. She probably told these things on and off for about 6 months and by 4 she would say “I’m tired of talking about it”. © runs_like_a_weezel / Reddit
  • When my nephew was about 4 or 6 years old, he asked me if I was going to make it to his 8th-grade graduation. I assured him that I could take off work, and he simply responded, “Alive?” Now that he’s 10, the older he gets, the more concerned I become about him reaching 8th grade.
    © biodgradableb***p*** / Reddit

Kids have amazing imaginations. They can make up stories that seem real to them. Sometimes, they spill things so honestly that adults get confused or surprised. But sometimes the memories we have from our own childhood can stay with us forever. They shape who we are as we grow up.


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