13 Odd Situations Caught on Baby Camera

6 months ago

Taking care of a baby requires a lot of attention, so cameras can be really useful for keeping an eye on them. However, technology can sometimes cause extra worries or lead to unexpected problems.

  • Our crib was under a window (shut and locked, don’t worry). Every few days or so, a hawk or some other kind of large bird would land on the outside of the window. The bird and my daughter would sit there for a good 10 minutes, bobbing their heads at one another. It was adorable, despite the fact the bird probably wanted to eat her. © __Iniquity__ / Reddit
  • Baby monitor. I woke up to the sound of heavy breathing, to find a face close-up in the camera (two eyes and a nose). My son figured out how to pull himself up on the crib rails. I may have stopped breathing for a few seconds. Very freaky! Needless to say, we moved the camera to a more elevated location. © Unknown author / Reddit
  • My buddy has a camera that sits on his doorstep. It has a motion sensor and every time it detects someone or something on the porch, it snaps a photo and sends it to his phone.
    It’s a Sunday morning, and for once, his two-year-old isn’t shouting into his bedroom to get him out of his crib. Ah, yes. A rare morning to lay in bed. His phone goes off.
    A photo of a little red-headed boy reaching out of the front door to grab a package appears. And that’s how he discovered that his son could get out of the crib. © Kalae / Reddit
  • My old roommate has two kids of his own. The older kid (3) deactivates the baby monitor cam when he and his sister want to do something they’ll get in trouble for. Kid even waves bye to the camera before he pulls the plug. © Flynn_lives / Reddit
  • When my Niece was around 4 years old I had her stay for a weekend while her parents went away. They loaned me a baby monitor because I sleep like the dead and probably wouldn’t hear her from my attic bedroom if she woke in the night. I was just settling down to sleep when I heard this horrendous hacking cough over the monitor, I bolted to her room thinking that she was choking but she was still sound asleep. A few minutes later I heard it again but this time there was a female voice too saying “Shhhh, you will wake her up.” I charged in there again to find her fast asleep and alone. It was then that I realised one of my neighbors must have the same cheap ass baby monitor and I was picking that up. © Unknown author / Reddit
  • “Buddy of mine had a kid at the beginning of last year, and discovered that both his cat and his beagle would climb into the crib with the baby occasionally during naps, cute right? Both animals made it a habit to climb in, kick/push the baby to the very side of the crib, and curl up in the middle completely alone, you’d catch them glaring at the kid if he started to roll back over and invade their space.” © crushing2013 / Reddit
  • I was the Au pair, the parents had a monitor in their room downstairs and the other in the kids’ bedroom upstairs. The monitors did two way communication so the parents could let the kiddos know they heard them and would be on their way. One time I was putting them to bed as the parents were out, and as we are reading there’s this breathing sound on the monitor and the little one just asks who that is. TF I don’t know, but I gotta be cool so I pretend like nothing as I nervously continue bedtime routine. Kids didn’t pay much attention. They were convinced I was Batman AND Superman, jumped out the window at night and saved the world so they would never question any security/safety issues — sorta assumed I got it. Back to story though. The dog. The dog did it, one of them was sleeping with the head close enough to the monitor downstairs for it to catch the noise. © mawiaah / Reddit
  • There was a small hair or thread on the camera lens of the monitor, and it looked like something moving under our son’s blanket. Very creepy. © wuptedu / Reddit
  • “Back when mom worked at Hewlett Packard, one of her coworkers used a nanny cam for all three of her babies. But on baby number 3, the older two found out about it and started doing things like dancing or jumping around and making funny faces in front of it, or doing things like lining up the toys to face the camera.” © CrazyCoKids / Reddit
  • My cousin has a video baby monitor that connects over Wi-Fi. Her husband travels a lot and likes to check on the baby at weird hours without having to wake his wife, so he can just log on. It also has a microphone feature so he can talk to his daughter. She is two now, but was about 18 months old when this happened.
    She was inconsolable one night and my cousin kept having to go soothe her back to sleep. On the third or fourth time entering her room, she heard a man’s voice, not her husband, talking to her crying baby. She changed the password and sent out a warning to other parents to change their passwords. Scary stuff. © sheilador / Reddit
  • Back when I was relatively young (probably 8ish), I had an Action-Man doll toy which had a speaker in its chest — along with a portable microphone you could speak into and your voice would come out of the chest of this doll. Pretty cool.
    Well, it gets interesting because the neighbours had a baby monitor setup, which happened to use the same frequency as this Action-Man doll. So when I started playing with it, I got these creepy baby crying sounds etc and the sounds of my neighbours trying to hush the baby. Needless to say, my parents and I were freaked out until we figured out what was going on. © cgarmstrong / Reddit
  • Just me. I went into his room to get him and said, ’Daddy’s here, don’t cry.’ I went with him back to my room and heard my monitor say, ’Here, don’t cry.’ Since my voice sounded so alien to me, I freaked out and watched in horror as a tall man grabbed my baby and walked out.
    It really probably took 1 second to realize I was holding him, and it was me in the video, but I went through 10 years of gray hair in that second. © ClassicCarLife / Reddit
  • Not on a cam, but on a babyphone. My aunt liked to tell a story from a time when her children were small. One time she was lying in bed, everything fine, and then suddenly she heard a deep voice saying: ’It’s me, the monster, I came to get you.’ Of course, she went into panic mode instantly, ran to her child, and... nothing there.
    So she went back and heard the voice again, realizing that it was one of her neighbors playing with his kid. Turns out those devices used the power grid and, since they both used the same model, apparently made her hear what was said into the neighbor’s baby phone. © Force3vo / Reddit

Sometimes, kids can do more than just cause worries — they can leave parents speechless with their surprising logic or by accidentally revealing family secrets.


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