14 Red Flags Your Body Will Send You When It Needs Help

6 months ago

While we often treat our bodies badly, they usually find a way to bounce back. Sometimes, though, something more serious is happening and they know they have to let us know about it somehow. That’s why the release of certain warning signs that should put us into thinking in order to visit the doctor. We gathered 14 signs that might not seem much, but if persisting you should do something about them.

1. Swollen ankles.

Swollen ankles are a common sign of pregnancy, but if you are not expecting a child, they can mean bad blood circulation, heart problems, or underactive thyroid glands. A less serious cause of this symptom is eating too much salt, which can lead to water retention.

2. A crawling, creeping feeling in your legs

If you have weird sensations in your legs and feet, like crawling, creeping, or the urge to move, it may be a symptom of restless leg syndrome. This disorder is long-term, and you often feel this discomfort at night when you’re trying to get some rest.

3. You’re suddenly intolerant of certain foods.

The digestive system is responsible for breaking down food and removing toxins from the things we eat. When our gut is sick, the body cannot properly eliminate food toxins, causing us to react to specific foods and gain food intolerances. Symptoms of food intolerance come in the form of nausea, stomach pains, stomach gas, cramps, and diarrhea among others.

4. Thickening of the skin

Don’t ignore skin problems or underestimate them. When the skin becomes thick and itchy, it can be a sign of many internal issues, like a hormonal disorder, eczema, or allergies. You can have some blood tests done if this problem persists or if it appears to be getting worse.

5. Yellowish skin.

A yellowish skin tone, mostly caused by jaundice and liver problems, is what leads to this condition. High levels of bilirubin (a bile pigment) make it impossible for your body to eliminate it as waste. As a consequence, the skin and the whites of the eyes take on a yellowish tinge.

6. A change in handwriting, a loss of smell, and intense dreams

Everyone has likely heard of Parkinson’s disease but not as many of us know its symptoms. Tremors, slowness of movement, poor sleep along with nightmares, and speech and writing changes can be signs of the disease, doctors warn.

7. Unexplained bruises.

If you always find bruises in random places and don’t remember knocking into anything, it might be a good idea to turn to your doctor. Random and easy bruising could mean a simple vitamin deficiency, but it can also be a sign of something more serious, like a blood clotting disease.

8. Sleeping too much

This disorder is called hypersomnia and it may stem from things that prove it isn’t just tiredness, doctors say. Some autoimmune diseases may cause the feeling of wanting to fall asleep just about anywhere. Also, having alcoholic beverages before sleeping may cause this effect.

9. Clubbed fingernails.

Nails curved around the fingers are typical of people with chronic lung problems. It can also occur due to some gastrointestinal conditions. If not treated in time, nails become enlarged and curve downward.

10. Changes in eye color

If there’s a white or grey ring around the cornea of the eyes, it may be a sign of high cholesterol for people under 45 years old, doctors have noticed. The ring is harmless by itself and has only a visual effect.

11. Random muscle twitches.

Muscle twitching can have many causes, including physical activity, stress, dehydration and not getting enough sleep. In more serious cases, it could mean a neurological disorder or kidney disease.

12. Salt cravings

It’s okay to like salty food but when you can’t control it anymore and salty food becomes the only thing you want, it’s time to ask yourself why. This can signify an iron deficiency, anemia, dehydration or premenstrual syndrome, according to medical sources.

13. Wanting to chew ice

A wish to crunch ice can be easily explained and it may be more than just a habit. An iron deficiency or anemia could be the reason for this unusual desire, some research has shown. You may want to have some blood tests taken to check and see if you need to start taking supplements.

14. Yellow eyes and skin (jaundice).

This can be an easily dismissible condition, yet it’s a very important one because it is a clear indicator of liver problems. Jaundice is a condition that turns your skin yellow. It also affects the white part of your eye, turning it pale yellow and in acute diseases, dark yellow.

Have you ever wondered what your stool can say about your health? Or maybe what you can do to keep your teeth healthy? Perhaps you are suffering from acid reflux and trying to find ways to treat it.

Please note: This article was updated in May 2022 to correct source material and factual inaccuracies.


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