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During 2022, numerous heatwaves were documented, and the UK, in particular, experienced its highest recorded temperature ever. While certain countries may be accustomed to extreme heat, others struggle to cope with such conditions. The impact of excessive heat on daily life can be significant, which is why we aim to offer some advice. Incorporating simple practices can help you maintain your sanity and find some relief under the scorching rays of the sun.
In order to stay as comfortable and cool as possible, you can try reducing unnecessary sources of heat at home. This can mean changing your incandescent light bulbs, which create a lot of extra heat. Other electronics can also add heat to your home, like computers left running or using the cooker. Try limiting the use of your cooker during the day and turn off electronics when possible to keep it cool.
If you don’t have access to a reliable air conditioning system, you can take a practical approach by keeping your curtains or blinds closed. By doing so, you block out the intense sunlight, leading to cooler interior spaces.
Getting a fan to help you keep cool is the best and easiest choice for anyone. However, when the environment you’re in is extremely warm, the air from the fan will also be hot. In this case, what you can do is place a bowl full of ice in front of the fan and sit across from it. The warm air from the fan will start getting cooler after uniting with the ice.
You might still feel hot shortly after taking a shower, or your sheets might quickly get warm again. As a solution, fill a basin with cold water and put it near your bed. Dip your foot or palm in the cold water when you start sweating. You can also freeze a washcloth, it will bring down your body temperature quickly.
Consuming sugary soda, caffeinated beverages, and energy drinks may lead to dehydration instead of providing relief from the heat. The most effective choice for hydration is cold water, even if you don’t feel particularly thirsty. Elevated temperatures cause increased sweating, resulting in a loss of water from your body.
Failing to replenish the lost hydration beforehand can lead to severe dehydration later on. Therefore, prioritizing cold water intake is crucial in maintaining proper hydration during hot weather.
It’s important to keep exercising throughout the year, including during the heat. Aerobic activities, like swimming and cycling, are perfect to keep your body moving during the heat of the summer. This helps to keep your blood circulation healthy and keep your body in form, instead of lazing around during the hotter months. Just make sure that you stay hydrated and take precautions, like wearing sunscreen and a sunhat.
Wearing sunscreen is vital, even if you’re just going out to your nearby store to grab a bottle of water. But it’s not the only protection you need, since a hat can also become your best friend. However, if you feel like it’s not enough, you should think about carrying an umbrella. The shade it provides protects not only your head, but also your entire body.
The problem with dark-colored clothing — especially black items — is that it traps heat from the sun. That’s why it’s advised to switch to lightweight, light-colored garments that reflect the heat and sunlight. Also, loose clothes that don’t hug your body seem to be a much better choice than form-fitting clothes that trap heat and make you sweat.
This plant is perfect when it comes to cooling down your room. Its leaves have high water content, which means it evaporates moisture into the air through transpiration. Besides, aloe vera loves being in the sun (provided you water it regularly), so it’s a win-win!
Extreme heat can make everyone and everything feel uncomfortable, since it can even burn your feet. That’s why it’s important to stay hydrated and keep away from the sunlight.