15 Confusing Photos That Can Throw Us for a Loop

year ago

One of the oldest optical illusions in the world is believed to be 900 years old, and it features a bull and an elephant. Since it was first carved in stone, countless other illusions have appeared online. In fact, social media websites receive new images every day that leave people scratching their heads, wondering what’s going on. We gathered a few of those to see if we could figure them out together.

1. “Wow, Bojack Horseman’s animation is so realistic this season.”

2. Where does this man’s body end?

3. This is not a raw chicken.

4. “My dog’s ear looks like a smaller version of herself.”

5. “The snow on my husband’s car looks like cloth.”

6. “A giant apologizing to a small person”

7. “I thought that was part of her hair — it turns out it’s just a guy standing behind her.”

8. Impossible not to see a dog in the bubble pattern of this wood.

9. “Took a pic during a hike.”

10. “The view in my Airbnb looks like a painting.”

11. Angry rabbit or sleeping kitten?

12. Michael Jackson inhabits this dog’s ear.

13. “Banana flower...I think.”

14. “I laughed so hard at myself, I figured I can’t keep this from the world.”

15. A cat swimming on a carpet

Preview photo credit tom_yacht / Reddit


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